CliqueClack TV
We LOVE having guests write for us. Here's where you can find what they've written.

Thankfully, Mr. Sunshine keeps the smurfiness to a minimum

I realize after last week’s “Come on, guys. Let’s give ‘em a chance” post on ‘Mr. Sunshine,’ I might be setting myself up for failure going forward with the show if it didn’t improve and deliver the goods. After seeing the previews for last night’s episode, I didn’t have a good feeling going into it.

by Guest Clacker

Standing up for Mr. Sunshine

A couple of days ago, Tara told you her reasons for not liking ‘Mr. Sunshine.’ Now guest clacker Clark Brooks is here to give you five reasons to give the show a chance.

by Guest Clacker

Refusing Glee — really?

Emily is currently a student, nervously approaching her entrance into the real world, which she off-sets by escaping into a lot of TV. When not singing along to ‘Glee’, you can find her enveloped in all things design related and who knows, maybe one day you’ll see her on HGTV or ‘Project Runway’!

by Guest Clacker

Vampire Diaries – It’s OK to love them both

A discrepancy in the short trailer for last week’s ‘Vampire Diaries’ and the actual episode left this viewer wondering what would have happened if Rose actually gave her sage advice to Elena within the episode.

by Guest Clacker

Five great shows I should have watched earlier

Thanks to DVRs and Netflix, I’ve gotten to enjoy five shows I missed the first time around … and I’m so glad I did.

by Guest Clacker

Biggest Loser – Barn versus Ranch … outwit, outlast … huh?

Biggest Loser being condensed to an hour was a win for everyone – including Arthur who kept away from the pizza. Although some would say the fried chicken may have lost tonight. …

by Guest Clacker

Why it took me 20 years to like Ed O’Neill

Today’s Guest Clacker is Rachel Blum-Jose – a teacher on hiatus, a new mom, and a full-time TV watcher in Cleveland, Ohio. Follow her yelp reviews at or read her blog at

by Guest Clacker
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