CliqueClack TV
Open letters to the television world, letting them know what we really think.

A second Psych Twin Peaks homage: Things we’d like to see

Now that the possibility of a second ‘Twin Peaks’ ‘Psych’ episode exists, a few of us discussed what we would like to see in that episode … pretty please?

by Debbie McDuffee

Yet another chapter in the Charlie Sheen tale

I have the toughest time understanding the downward spirals celebrities seem to find themselves in. Especially in this case. How about you?

by Michael Noble

But Jack … I can barely do that many push ups

One of the first icons I remember as a youth, Jack LaLanne, has passed at the ripe old age of 96. I guess this means I (might) be getting old. …

by Michael Noble

Legal dramas: In. Medical dramas: Case closed.

There’s a distinct trend that suggests legal dramas are the up-and-coming thing, while medical dramas may be on the outs. Here’s an idea: have an original one instead of riding on the coattails of others’ successes and there’d be enough of everything to go around.

by Debbie McDuffee

Ten reasons I will be watching American Idol

There’s so much going on this season on ‘Idol’, you can’t afford to miss out. I’m willing to bet even the nay-sayers will be tuning in, hoping for some crash-and-burn drama.

by Michael Noble

The Discovery Channel nixes Michael Jackson’s autopsy re-enactment

I’m trying to figure out who, exactly, would find any entertainment value in a program such as this. And I’m coming up blank.

by Michael Noble

Merlin – The quest for the perfect episode

Dear Merlin — you almost hit it right out of the park this episode. If only the rest of the season had been spent on your initial premise, I might not be so nitpicky about your return to the point.

by Julia Hass
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