CliqueClack TV
Open letters to the television world, letting them know what we really think.

Charlie Sheen, why are you so crazy? – Open Letters

Please stop the crazy. When you rival Britney Spears’ shaved head, Whitney Houston’s “crack is wack,” and a creepier Hugh Hefner circa now, we realized we had to intervene. Feel free to add to our open letter.

by An Nicholson

Ten things I miss about Gossip Girl – Open Letter

I’ve loved reviewing the CW’s ‘Gossip Girl’, but I can’t help feeling a bit nostalgic about the way the show used to be. Join me as I present an open letter to creators Schwartz and Savage to whine about what I miss.

by Rachel Blum-Jose

Taco Bell is workin’ the crazy for you and for me

I’ve been wondering: What in the world is going on with Taco Bell’s ad campaigns of late? And then it hit me, plain as the nose on my face …

by Michael Noble

Tossing a bad apple out of the Academy Awards

It’s motorheads like Michael Fleming who try and ruin ‘The Oscars’ for everyone – the ones who put the program together, the viewers like you and me. Did The Motion Picture Academy do right?

by Michael Noble

Nikita – Better than midget porn

This week, the writers of ‘Nikita’ give their viewers the ultimate Valentine’s Day gift – kickbutt TV. Was it better than midget porn? ‘Eff, yea.

by An Nicholson

Glee not so gleeful in the checkout line

Another ‘Glee’ glut of promotion courtesy of your local retail establishment. It’s not the kids who dig the show complaining, however.

by Michael Noble

How about we stop making TV stars out of spousal abusers? – An Open Letter

Charlie Sheen finds continued success on ‘Two and a Half Men,’ while Chris Brown is slated to be a musical guest on ‘SNL.’ Why are we supporting woman-beaters?

by Kona Gallagher
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