CliqueClack TV
Open letters to the television world, letting them know what we really think.

Open Letters: So help me AMC, I will burn you to the ground!

Dear AMC, Okay, maybe that was a little harsh. I won’t actually burn you to the ground, but I will metaphorically end you with my mind if you dick over Mad Men. Yes, I know that you said it will be back this summer, which is all well and good. I mean, I would prefer […]

by Kona Gallagher

Open Letters: Network television primetime schedulers take heed

Dear Consumer-Hater, First of all, I’d like to mention that, unlike many who bemoan the woeful selection offered today, I enjoy the assortment of television that’s out there right now. Most of it airs on cable … but I digress. Please pass along my support to whom it may concern. Now on to you. Every […]

by Aryeh S.

Open Letters: Scheduling change notices much appreciated. Signed, the kids.

To the Mickey Mouses and Donald Ducks over at Disney Channel: Children, as you know, are a unique subset of the human race. While energetic, very flexible, and full of imagination they are also quite rigid. Particularly when it comes to television. Especially when it comes to a specific television show on a specific channel […]

by Richard Keller

Open Letters: “Produced by Ashton” doesn’t make us watch

Dear Network Suits, Did you ever see Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels? Go with me here. There’s a scene where a bunch of the bad guys are locked in a security cage, and being shot from the rafters. The leader, finally fed up with the situation, bellows out, “Could everyone stop getting shot?!” It’s […]

by Brett Love

Open Letters: A message for the writers of Dirty Sexy Money

Dear writers of Dirty Sexy Money, I wanted to take a minute before your show disappears to thank you. First, I would like to thank you for a great first season. It must have sucked for you guys to have to go on strike and cut your very promising first season short. I know if […]

by Bob Degon

Brothers and Sisters: Oh, your lackluster season

The past two years, I reviewed Brothers and Sisters for TV Squad. I began this season on leave because of a large work project. However, I haven’t been able to bring myself to begin reviewing the show here for CliqueClack because I haven’t been willing to commit to watching the show this season. Oh, Brothers […]

by Jen Creer

Open Letters – I miss George Michael on Eli Stone

Dear writers and producers of Eli Stone: As I was driving along today, listening to the Christmas music radio station in my car playing “Do They Know It’s Christmas Time at All?” something hit me right between Boy George and the ensemble: I miss George Michael on Eli Stone. I’ve recently bemoaned the old days […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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