CliqueClack TV
Open letters to the television world, letting them know what we really think.

Jon Gosselin is an asshat!

Dear Jon, What the hell, dude? You know, there was a time that most of us, including myself, felt bad for the way your wife treated you. You were definitely the victim as Kate ripped you a new one for things like not using a coupon for drapes (in your new million-dollar house, which makes absolutely […]

by Richard Keller

Beckett’s sidekicks are Esposito and Ryan

Dear Detectives Esposito and Ryan, I am writing this letter to sincerely apologize for not learning your names sooner. This week’s episode of Castle really helped cement your names for me, since this is the second episode in a row where you each actually had lines. I’m almost embarrassed to admit it, but I kind […]

by Debbie McDuffee

My Lord, Kate Gosselin won’t go away!

Dear TLC, I hate you. Not just a figurative hate, either. This is a hate that begins at the bottom of my toes and extends to the tips of whatever hair remains on my head. It’s a hatred I save for reality shows, Rush Limbaugh, and According to Jim. In other words, things that will […]

by Richard Keller

Dark Blue fans, where have you been? – Open Letters

Dear Dark Blue-ers, What the hell? I mean, I’m sorry to use such harsh language with you, but what the hell? I’ve been writing about this show all season; I’ve posted reviews for every episode that’s aired in this, Dark Blue’s first year. And my comprehensive coverage has garnered about six comments from beginning to […]

by Aryeh S.

Hey, Army Wives, where’s our regularly scheduled programming? – Open Letters

Dear Army Wives scribes, What the mother of crap (Friends!) was Sunday night’s episode? A flashback episode … other people’s flashbacks, with our actors playing other roles? Really? Did you forget the high-pitched drama at the end of last week when Joan got “the call?” I can’t imagine a single reason for this divergence, other than […]

by Aryeh S.

What’s with Barbin, CBS? – Open Letters

Dear CBS Promo People, So, like everyone I know is totally hyped about the new season of How I Met Your Mother (well, except for CJ, but do people from Chicago count?). The speculation is that the show’s seminal question, exactly how Ted met his wife, will finally be answered this year, so, you know, […]

by Ivey West

American Idol + Ellen DeGeneres as the fourth judge = brilliance

Dear American Idol Powers That Be: Thank you for your stroke of brilliance in appointing Ellen DeGeneres as your new fourth judge. You’ve just taken a huge step to make your show not only a fun singing competition, but a hilarious one. I’m not talking about Paula Abdul hilarious. We’ll be laughing with this new […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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