CliqueClack TV
Reminiscing about shows of the past.

CliqueClack Flashback – Carnivàle

Like many of the shows featured on CliqueClack Flashback, HBO’s Carnivàle had — and I daresay still has — quite a cult following. I’ve heard many people compare the show to Twin Peaks, and since I’ve never seen Twin Peaks beyond the movie, I can’t quite attest to that. Both were definitely otherwordly bizarre and […]

by Keith McDuffee

CliqueClack Flashback – Cleopatra 2525

Five hundred years in the future, she’ll enter a world where machines rule the earth. Mankind has been driven under ground, and Cleopatra is about to discover, there’s no place like home. That is the voiceover from the opening credits of Cleopatra 2525, and it gives a good basic idea of the story. What it […]

by Brett Love

CliqueClack Flashback – Arrested Development

Join me as I flashback to a time not so long ago, a time when television was at it’s funniest, a time when Arrested Development was still on the air! With all the news about an Arrested Development movie surfacing, I thought it was an appropriate time to wax poetic about the funniest show ever […]

by Bob Degon

CliqueClack Flashback – The State

In December of 1993, I was getting ready to turn 13 and in the interminable hell known as middle school. After bouncing around between groups of friends, trying to find my identity, I ended up with a great group of girls with whom I am still close to this day. There were a lot of […]

by Kona Gallagher

CliqueClack Flashback – The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd

My life was in flux during the 1990s. Fresh out of college, I ended up working in an office (but knew I was destined for greatness), and my husband and I wandered gypsy-like between homes while we were building our own high on a hill overlooking Lake Michigan. One of those places was his grandparents’ […]

by Jane Boursaw

CliqueClack Flashback – Thirtysomething

One show from my past that I’ve never been able to shake is Thirtysomething. The show aired in the late 1980s, and I never watched it. Not a single episode. I was in college, and I was too busy to watch a show about whiny old people. A few years later, I moved to a […]

by Jen Creer

CliqueClack Mini-Flashback – The West Wing, Season Five

The brief back-and-forth I recently had about shows and their creators (following a great review of the Scrubs premiere) led me to pay a visit to my DVD bookcase. Over the years, my wife and I have assembled quite the collection of TV on DVD, and every few months I cycle back to the beginning […]

by Aryeh S.
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