CliqueClack TV
Our clack about television-like episodes that are only online ... at least for the moment.

Webisode Clack – Ctrl

I’ve never really been a huge fan of the webisode content that the networks have done to coincide with existing shows. More often than not, it just feels like they are checking off a box for “web promotion” than doing anything of real substance. That’s not to say that the networks can’t get it right […]

by Brett Love

So, what’s the big deal about The Guild? – Webisode Clack Interviews

In the world of webseries, success and popularity can be hard to find. Sure, a webseries may have a certain following, but its success may not go any farther than those dedicated fans. That’s great for the folks who write, cast, direct, and produce the series. Yet, deep down, I’m sure they’re looking for a […]

by Richard Keller

Webisode Clack – Riese The Series

Generally, I like to wait until a series has premiered and we can all get a good look at things, before making it the focus of the weekly post. I’m breaking that rule here for a couple of reasons. First, I really dig everything I’ve heard about Riese so far. And more importantly, while there […]

by Brett Love

Webisode Clack – Dear Audrey, what is teabagging?

I said it once before, but it bears repeating — I love Canada, and Canadian things. And very high up on that list, just below Catriona Le May-Doan, but above curling and the fact that Canadian cities have names like Moose Jaw, are the girls from Seeking Simone. They’re just so funny. If you have also […]

by Brett Love

Webisode Clack – The Lake answers a question I didn’t think of asking

Did you ever wonder what it would be like if Jason Priestley directed Falcon Beach? No? Maybe I should back up and ask if you ever saw Falcon Beach. I’m not sure how it happened, but somewhere along my television viewing path I developed an affinity for the teen drama. Mostly, I blame the-N. Because […]

by Brett Love

Tease (as in strip) – Webisode Clack

Today’s era of webisodes can be categorized in a number of ways. Some are connected to TV shows like Heroes and Battlestar Galactica. Others are series that are basically a big “Screw you!” to the current state of television. And then there are those that are aired on the Internet as a test bed for a potential […]

by Richard Keller

Webisode Clack – The Captive and Funnel Of Darkness

I try to balance my choices for Webisode Clack between the extremes of harder to find independent shows and the well publicized network tie-ins. This week we have a double-shot featuring two very different shows, from Sundance and IFC, that fall somewhere in the middle. One of them, The Captive, is a sci-fi thriller. The […]

by Brett Love
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