CliqueClack TV
Our clack about television-like episodes that are only online ... at least for the moment.

Webisode Clack – Star Trek on the Internet

I don’t know if any of you have heard, but apparently, J.J. Abrams remade the original Star Trek in his own image and created a monstrous hit that is currently running in theaters even as I type this. Trekkers and Trekkies all across the country are praising the movie as the newest resurrection of the franchise (well, except […]

by Richard Keller

Webisode Clack – Scrubs webisodes make me think the show could’ve survived without Zach Braff

Before Bill Lawrence announced this would be the last season of Scrubs, rumors were rampant that the show, if its ratings held up, was going to remain on the ABC schedule. With or without creator Lawrence and star Zach Braff. Heck, even Bill himself said something to that effect when the show premiered in January! […]

by Richard Keller

Webisode Clack – Some David Faustino, some Whoopi, and a bit more of

More than ever, new Internet-only shows are popping up online and in podcasts while existing shows are expanding their worlds in the same way. This time around we’ll take a look at webisodes from the former Bud Bundy, the current Whoopi Goldberg, and something else from the extensive library. Star-ving -Ever wonder what happened to David Faustino, […]

by Richard Keller

Flash Forward pilot script – CliqueClack review – Guest Clack

Ivey West is back Guest-clacking for us again this week…. Imagine a two minute glimpse into your future: Where are you and what are you doing…? Most importantly, who are you doing it with? Having a dinner with your wife? Watching the news? Reading Keith’s post about the BSG finale (can someone let me know […]

by Keith McDuffee

Webisode Clack – the shows of Strike.TV (and Heroes)

If you can remember as far back as the beginning of 2008 — I know it’s hard, but try — the striking members of the Writers Guild of America touted the fact that they were starting their very own website. The site was called and it was supposed to feature a number of “webisode” […]

by Richard Keller

Webisode Clack – Flight of the Conchords; Battlestar Galactica; The Office

There’s more to TV than television. Every year — heck, every month — there are more new Internet-only shows popping up online and in podcasts, and existing shows expanding their worlds in the same way. Here are some notable things going on in the world of webisodes … Battlestar Galactica: The Face of the Enemy […]

by Keith McDuffee
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