CliqueClack TV
Kona Gallagher's weekly column highlighting the gems of this week's television.

Monsters, Moon Landings and Frowns – Things That Didn’t Suck This Week

Obviously, the big news in TV this week was the return of Lost. They’re back at LAX! No they’re not! Juliet’s alive! No she’s not! It was all very confusing, but there was one smoky moment that stood out for me. In other TV news, Modern Family got pixilated, the study group on Community finally […]

by Kona Gallagher

“You don’t wait around for somebody to drop dead!” – Things That Didn’t Suck This Week

This column isn’t always going to be about late night, but it’s just been too good over the past couple of weeks to ignore. However, with tonight being Conan‘s last night as host of The Tonight Show, on top of the horrifying news that Jay Leno is hosting the White House Correspondents’ dinner, I feel […]

by Kona Gallagher

Just give all of late night to Ferguson – Things That Didn’t Suck This Week

Look, when the dust settles and the whole NBC late night debacle concludes, no one at NBC is going to win. Jeff Zucker is going to continue to look like an idiot, Jay Leno is going to continue to look like the guy whose inability to be remotely funny or entertaining ruined primetime and perhaps […]

by Kona Gallagher

Things that didn’t suck this week – Mad Men, Project Runway, and Wil Wheaton

Mad Men has come back, and the slow-burn of the first two episodes is making me completely crazy — in a really great way. Project Runway returned as well, and I begrudgingly watched it, just to find out that it’s just as ridiculous as always. And Wil Wheaton got into a nerd-fight on Leverage. Not bad for […]

by Kona Gallagher

Things That Didn’t Suck This Week – Jon Hamm, baby

Mad Men, you guys. MAD MEN. Does it make my life sound completely pathetic if I say that tonight’s return is what I have been living for? I mean, yes, my child has still been clothed and fed, but come on … Don effin’ Draper is coming back! Tonight! What’s so great about this isn’t […]

by Kona Gallagher

Things that didn’t suck this week – All Anderson, all the time

This week in television was fine, but there really wasn’t a whole lot of new stuff that set my world on fire. Leverage was pretty funny, and Mad Men season 2 is on “On Demand”, which is pretty amazing, but nothing truly tickled me this week in the way that Anderson Cooper did, when he […]

by Kona Gallagher

Things that didn’t suck this week -Talk, talk, talkity-talk

I’m going to be real with you guys for a minute. Outside of DVDs for my Virgin Diaries, I haven’t been watching a lot of TV lately. So maybe that explains why two of my clips this week never even aired on television, and the other two are from Jimmy Fallon. Look, I work with […]

by Kona Gallagher
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