CliqueClack TV

Tara Shrodes

Bio: I have a long history in television and radio, writing and performing. In 1991, I won a Michigan Emmy Award for Comedy Acting. Emmy's wing broke off during a move. But I still love her. We all have our flaws.

Posts by Tara Shrodes

Dancing with the Stars premieres season fourteen

The first show of ‘Dancing with the Stars’ usually is like being caught in the middle of a train wreck. Was this one any different?

The Celebrity Apprentice gets ugly and cruel

Man. It’s getting fairly dog eat dog on ‘The Celebrity Apprentice.’ Some of “the meek” step up and some of the brave get questioned, and solidarity rears its head yet again.

The Celebrity Apprentice – Does solidarity come with a price?

Trump pulls a nasty twist on this week’s episode of ‘The Celebrity Apprentice’. Does that make you love him more? Or pump up your loathe factor?

Raising Hope – The one with Katy Perry

Raising Hope and creator Greg Garcia score again this week, by making me laugh my butt off. How did Katy Perry do as a guest star, you ask? I have to say … not too shabby.

The Schticky – CommercialClack

You loved his ShamWow … you sort of liked his Slap Chop … but will you like Vince Offer’s latest?

Glee – The Regionals, and Rachel and Finn get married. Or … do they?

We’re going into a winter hiatus on ‘Glee,’ and boy oh boy did they leave us hanging by our toenails. Is Quinn dead? Are Rachel’s Dads going to stage a scene and break up the wedding? We’ll have to wait until April to find out, but I have some theories.

MusiClack – Whitney Houston and the problems of fame

Yes, yes. We’re contributing to the lunacy of all the posts on the internet about Whitney Houston. But she’s the elephant in the living room this week, so it’s a must. And you can make us talk about her, but you can’t make us like it.

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