CliqueClack TV

Richard Keller

Twitter: richysk

Posts by Richard Keller

Life – Cop groupies, a tiger named Fluffy and that reporter dude from Die Hard

(Season 2, Episode 9 – “Badge Bunny”) We need some CliqueClack groupies. Maybe call them ‘Clique Cuties’ because both men and women can be cute. These ‘Clique Cuties’ could follow us all around, date us, share us amongst the others in the group, and get to know every single intimate detail about our lives. It […]

Bones – The crispy body at 36,000 feet

(Season 4, Episode 10 – “The Passenger in the Oven) Airplane episodes are always good watching when it comes to television. Not only does it confine the characters to a smaller space than they’re used to, but it also allows for some MacGyver-esque ingenuity on their part as well. The results are normally more entertaining […]

ER – Oh, Brother!

(Season 15, Episode 6) It was ‘Angry and Stupid Week’ on ER. It’s an annual tradition, actually. Once a season we get an episode where everybody is angry at each other at the same time they take their stupid pills and begin to mess up royally. It’s one of those times during the season that […]

Life – Jackpot

(Season 2, Episode 7) Thank you, NBC! Thank you for moving Life out of the near dead end position of Friday night, 10 p.m. and into the world of normal primetime. You even moved it up one hour so us hard-working folks can get some sleep after a long day. Again, thank you. Now, all […]

Things we learned from this year’s election coverage

The 2008 presidential election, which began sometime at the turn of the 20th century, is now over. If your candidate won, a hearty congratulations. If not, then please stop crying and throwing things, pick yourself up, and declare your intentions to run for President in 2012 sometime this afternoon. It was really and truly a […]

I Kid You Not: Teens get pregnant from watching TV

God bless the United States! Whatever your political affiliation is, no matter your social status, there is one thing that we can all agree on: we are a bunch of kooks. Blame it on the remnant beliefs of our Puritan ancestors, the general decline of human kind, or the drugs that the government puts in the water […]

Open Letters: Fox executives, this one’s for you

To the programming executives at FOX (if there are any; for all I know the programming is done by a monkey pressing a button on a TRS-80 once an hour): We need to have a serious talk, because I believe you may have some problems. Mainly, you like to call ‘Wolf!’ a lot. Or, in modern […]

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