CliqueClack TV

Rachel Blum-Jose

Twitter: Leftovereater
Google Profile
Bio: Rachel's obsessions include (in no particular order): running, television, black and white cookies, piano, good coffee, craft beer, a cappella music, pizza, writing, and sangria. Even better when experienced in the same day. She's bad at updating blogs and baby books, and tries not to feel too guilty about it.

Posts by Rachel Blum-Jose

Happy Endings – What’s in a name?

Two new episodes of ‘Happy Endings’ aired last night, one of which dealt with whether a name means anything — whether it’s one we’re given, or one we’ve adopted for ourselves.

I’m not an American, but I play one on TV – CliqueClack Poll

Many of our favorite shows are undergoing a British (and Scottish, and Australian) invasion. Here, the CliqueClack team discusses the most impressive foreign actors in American roles. Vote for your favorite in our poll!

Make It Or Break It – Fool me twice, I’m an idiot

The Rock girls learn a lot about trust in this week’s episode. For some, it develops only when an authority figure isn’t afraid to say “no.” For others, it is created from mutual respect and a desire to express oneself through the written word.

Gossip Girl – There’s a new girl in the picture

Some new faces emerge on this week’s ‘Gossip Girl.’ How long until one of them turns into a psycho and ruins someone’s life?

Are Casey and Haley the new talking twins?

Did last night’s scat session between Casey Abrams and Haley Reinhart remind anyone else of the talking twins? Maybe these two are using their musical babble to communicate …

Modern Family loves the ‘F’ word

The ladies are never satisfied in this episode of ‘Modern Family.’ (That goes for you, too, Cam.)

What Bob won’t do for The Biggest Loser

I had just about written off this two-hour drama fest when Bob did something awesome. Will I continue watching this ridiculous season? Here I discuss some ‘WTF’ moments in ‘The Biggest Loser.’

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