CliqueClack TV

Michael Noble

Twitter: RuprechtReal
Google Profile
Bio: Annoys people, doesn't sleep nearly as much as he should, doesn't naps, life-long carnivore, beats dead horses (metaphorically speaking, of course), refuses to drink bottled water ...

Posts by Michael Noble

American Idol – And then there was one … judge

With the sudden departure of Kara Dio Guardi on everyone’s ‘favorite’ whipping post reality program, let’s relive some of the fun of the past season on ‘American Idol’. Who’s game?

CommercialClack – Chantix

Tara & Michael are at odds with this week’s CommercialClack entry for the drug Chantix. Really? Suicidal tendencies? Wouldn’t smoking just be easier?

The Emmys – A few thoughts

The 2010 telecast seemed better this year overall. But it wasn’t because of Jimmy Fallon, his guitar or his white waiter’s jacket. It was probably Sofia Vergara.

Rescue Me – Much monkey business

Plot twists! Frolickry! Renewal! Fire! Yoda! Breakfast! The crew of Ladder 62 is back in the house! There’s so much jam-packed in this episode of ‘Rescue Me’, it’s nothing but awesome….

CommercialClack – The amazing Shoedini!

Possibly the most annoying (“No bending!”) infomercial (“Telescoping handle!”) the world has ever known. Unless you like Gilbert Gottfried (“It’s a shoehorn … on a stick!”) as much as Michael does.

So You Think You Can Dance – The winner

Not even the daunting force of screaming, voting tweens could hinder the crowning of Lauren Froderman, this year’s favorite on ‘So You Think You Can Dance’.

So You Think You Can Dance – The final competitive performances

Drama … dance … definitiveness. ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ threw the kitchen sink at us to wrap up this final performance edition. Were you satisfied?

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