CliqueClack TV

Michael Noble

Twitter: RuprechtReal
Google Profile
Bio: Annoys people, doesn't sleep nearly as much as he should, doesn't naps, life-long carnivore, beats dead horses (metaphorically speaking, of course), refuses to drink bottled water ...

Posts by Michael Noble

Our American Idols give their take on some classic tunes

Fortunately, (most of) our ‘Idols’ bounce back from last week’s snoozefest with a Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame theme night. Special bonus feature: White boy dance moves!

A slew of us are hoping it’s anything but an ordinary fate for No Ordinary Family

Cliffhangers! Getcher cliffhangers here! Bonus teeth gnashing, hair pulling and shouting curses heavenward – no extra charge! That’s what we’re left with in the season ender (series ender?) of ‘NOF’.

This just might be proof of the (further) decline of western civilization

What does $32,000 buy you nowadays? How ’bout this pearl of wisdom? “Study hard, but party harder.” Yep … let’s keep those priorities straight, New Jersey.

CommericialClack … or Skittles touch “CommercialWTFClack” cat … thing … ewww …

This commercial is either the funniest or the most disturbing thing you’ve ever seen depending on how you look at it. Tara & Michael overcome their fears and tackle it. Carefully. With rubber gloves.

It’s double exodus night on American Idol

Because of last week’s rescue of Casey Abrams by the judge’s one and only competition save of the season, two contestants leave this episode. Did they deserve it?

How in the world can Wonder Woman go so wrong in a mere matter of weeks?

Why do the producers of the new ‘Wonder Woman’ continue to put their own brand on the icon? Leave it alone, already.

That’s the way the cookie gets tossed on Survivor

A ho-hum ‘Survivor’ offering yields little … unless you revel in lots of big talk from Secret Agent Man Phillip.

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