CliqueClack TV

Michael Noble

Twitter: RuprechtReal
Google Profile
Bio: Annoys people, doesn't sleep nearly as much as he should, doesn't naps, life-long carnivore, beats dead horses (metaphorically speaking, of course), refuses to drink bottled water ...

Posts by Michael Noble

When is a ship not a ship? When it’s being discussed on CliqueClack.

You’ve got to love the English language … jam-packed with eccentricities, weirdness, and blather, common to some, foreign to others.

Six Feet Under – A look back at the finale

Was the ‘Six Feet Under’ swansong the best in television history? It was for me. It might turn on your waterworks all over again.

CommercialClack – Donuts

Donuts. Sure … breakfast food staple (for many) worthy of a knock-down drag-out … especially if they’re Krispy Kremes. I’d go so far as to ‘rassle for one of ‘em.

MasterChef – An ass to the bitter end and a surprising win

Jennifer pulls it out to surprise her competition with a convincing, well-deserved win on ‘MasterChef’. It’s extra sweet, too, in that she left Christian eating her dust.

Quotation Marks – The Six Feet Under (dead)dition

Some interesting quotations came out of the ‘Six Feet Under’ run on HBO. Careful though: Some are not for the faint of heart.

Un-verbally dissed on MasterChef

The fun and frolicry got ramped up on ‘MasterChef’ just in time for tonight’s slam-bang finale. Be forewarned: there will be drama.

CliqueClack looks back at Six Feet Under this week

Lovers of the seminal cable series have a lot to look forward to this week as CliqueClack takes a look back at one of the best shows ever put on film – HBO’s ‘Six Feet Under’

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