CliqueClack TV

Michael Noble

Twitter: RuprechtReal
Google Profile
Bio: Annoys people, doesn't sleep nearly as much as he should, doesn't naps, life-long carnivore, beats dead horses (metaphorically speaking, of course), refuses to drink bottled water ...

Posts by Michael Noble

CommercialClack – Pleasant holiday commercials

A kinder, gentler CommercialClack than last week’s, courtesy of Tara and Michael and their holiday spirits.

New Girl – Where dreams come true

On the surface, you wouldn’t believe d-bags, “Santa lap” and awkwardness could make for a fine holiday episode of ‘New Girl’ … but they do.

Ryan Seacrest just might get busier

Ryan Seacrest? Anchor on ‘Today’ … ?!? Could that be a possibility? Some out there might be bristling at such news, others applauding. See what some of the CliqueClack staff had to say about it.

Terra Nova – A worthy villain?

Surprisingly, this episode gave us a nice serving of beefy goodness with its potatoes to counteract the schmaltzy fluff inevitable with each airing, not the least of which was Lucas turning into a half-decent badass.

Grimm – Getting a little deeper

The 5th and 6th episodes of ‘Grimm’ were polar opposites of each other: The first? A twisted tale leaving little satisfaction. But the second was full of nifty twists and turns. Plus … Jamie Ray Newman!

New Girl – The bedroom can be a strange place indeed

Was there any doubt Jess would be hilarious once she headed for her sleeping quarters with boyfriend Paul? Nope.

Favorite New Fall Show Poll – New Girl

I’m not the sort that gravitates toward the standard weekly comedy. But I’ve been taken in by ‘New Girl’ … and so will you.

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