CliqueClack TV

Michael Noble

Twitter: RuprechtReal
Google Profile
Bio: Annoys people, doesn't sleep nearly as much as he should, doesn't naps, life-long carnivore, beats dead horses (metaphorically speaking, of course), refuses to drink bottled water ...

Posts by Michael Noble

The final judgments begin on American Idol

Here we go: Paring down to a 24 count of contestants so we can begin the main event. Part one gave me a few surprises. How about you?

Lots of little stories make for a satisfying New Girl

Whoa. Did the writers ever juggle like mad on this episode. I’m rather impressed they did such a good job keeping every character balanced, giving each of them their due.

The Voice, again, has become a bit tedious

We saw it last year: This round of “The Voice” gets stale. And when it does we just want it to motor along so the real competition can begin.

The Simpsons 500th episode – Springfield’s unending nightmare

“At Long Last Leave” marks a milestone for FOX’s animated family with a pretty nice entry.

The Walking Dead – Shane should fear Lori more than love her

Layers of drama unfolded on this episode. Quite a few revelations as well. But … they didn’t compare to the seeds being planted by both Shane and by Lori.

American Idol – Onward to Sammystown

Vegas beckons! Bright lights! Shows! Action! Glamor! Drama! Come on! Let’s see what awaits us!

Face Off – Triads of trouble

This show can age you … as the contestants find out in their latest challenge on – what else? – aging. Aging triplets, that is.

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