CliqueClack TV

Kona Gallagher

Twitter: kona99
Google Profile
Bio: If you live on the East Coast and watched a local ad on cable between 2002 and 2005, there's a chance I had something to do with that-- I may have even written it. I'm sorry and I promise that I never *wanted* to end a commercial with a shot of the employees standing in the parking lot and waving; it just happens. Right now, I confine my writing to various corners of the internet, including the entire CliqueClack family of sites. If you travel between the sites, you can probably figure out enough information about me to steal my identity. So good luck with that, sucker. Have fun paying my student loans.

Posts by Kona Gallagher

Is Don Draper a homophobe?

Probably, yes. He is a hyper-masculine male in the early 1960s; a time in which gay people were un-ironically called “fairies.” When Don caught Sal with his pants down, and a young, half-dressed bellhop in close proximity, he was clearly taken aback — and truthfully, was probably at least a little repulsed. However, what’s so […]

Things That Didn’t Suck This Week – Jon Hamm, baby

Mad Men, you guys. MAD MEN. Does it make my life sound completely pathetic if I say that tonight’s return is what I have been living for? I mean, yes, my child has still been clothed and fed, but come on … Don effin’ Draper is coming back! Tonight! What’s so great about this isn’t […]

Diary of a Weeds Virgin – From drug trafficking to human trafficking

(Season 4, Episodes 4-6) I guess this show still somewhat lives up to its title. Silas is growing pot, after all, and apparently the Mexicans are still smuggling weed into the U.S. through that tunnel. So… there’s that, I guess. But in this batch of episodes, Doug and Andy decide to become Coyotes, and “that […]

Diary of a Burn Notice Virgin – Season 2 comes to an end

We’re actually coming to the end of season 2 here. There’s a lot of action in the last two episodes, and we get a pretty interesting resolution to the whole Carla storyline. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a satisfying resolution, but it was interesting. In the meantime, we get a secret fiancee, an aborted trip […]

30 Rock Blew the Hatch when Jack and Kenneth played poker

Remember how 30 Rock and Studio 60 premiered at the same time, and everyone knew that there was only room for one “behind the scenes at a late-night sketch comedy show” series, and most people, it seemed, had their money on the Sorkin one? Before they aired, one of my friends even dismissed 30 Rock […]

Daily rerun roundup – Thursday night comedies and douchebags

NBC is reminding us that despite their general and persistent suckitude, Thursday nights this fall are going to be kind of amazing. No more of that Kath & Kim bullshit– just a lot of funny shows, one right after the other. Also, Criss Angel is a Douche Bag. Enjoy. NBC is just showing 30 Rock, […]

Alfred Hitchcock Presents – CliqueClack Flashback

Due to a combination of lax parental oversight and just being kind of a weird kid, I spent what would now be called my “tween” years in a weird horror phase. From the age of about 9-12, or so, I rented every single Friday the 13th movie, every Alfred Hitchcock movie I could get my […]

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