CliqueClack TV

Kona Gallagher

Twitter: kona99
Google Profile
Bio: If you live on the East Coast and watched a local ad on cable between 2002 and 2005, there's a chance I had something to do with that-- I may have even written it. I'm sorry and I promise that I never *wanted* to end a commercial with a shot of the employees standing in the parking lot and waving; it just happens. Right now, I confine my writing to various corners of the internet, including the entire CliqueClack family of sites. If you travel between the sites, you can probably figure out enough information about me to steal my identity. So good luck with that, sucker. Have fun paying my student loans.

Posts by Kona Gallagher

Community – Paintball, part 1

It’s part one of the ‘Community’ season finale and it’s chock-full of paintball, action, and Josh Holloway! Although (spoiler alert) he doesn’t call anyone “freckles.”

Parks and Recreation – Ron’s birthday

While Leslie and the gang are off in Eagleton trying to defeat Parker Posey, Ron Swanson is sharing a steamy kiss with someone back at the office – and it is literally the best kiss that has every happened.

Modern Family – You only get one mom

It’s Mother’s Day on ‘Modern Family,’ and everyone tries not to ruin it – nobody really succeeds.

Community – Chang or Andre? We find out who the daddy is

Shirley has her baby! But who’s the daddy? Chang and Andre are both on the scene competing for paternity. Who was the ultimate winner?

Parks and Recreation – A real goddess

Everybody’s making great strides this week on ‘Parks and Recreation:’ Leslie takes control of her womanhood, Ben gets away from his bedbugs, and April and Andy buy silverware (and marshmallow shooters).

Cougar Town – Larmy Strong

Laurie starts the Larmy, Jules is a wizard and Bobby has the wrong balls. It’s a lot of winning and losing on this week’s ‘Cougar Town.’

Parks and Recreation – Soulmates and zerts

Tom’s car is his “go-go machine.” This is only one of the amazing things we learn on this week’s episode of ‘Parks and Recreation.’ Another one is that two bucks a piece for dead crows is a good deal.

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