CliqueClack TV

Katie Schenkel

Twitter: JustPlainTweets
Google Profile
Bio: Katie lives in Indianapolis and has an English degree from Butler University. Her day job is as a copywriter for a website developer. She's also an admitted film and TV junkie who makes an average of 20 Arrested Development/Futurama/Simpsons quotes a day. She writes and runs the movie website

Posts by Katie Schenkel

The League – Yobogoya, the cheapest bucket of beef in Illinoi-a

Two hilarious new episodes in one night means I’m working double-time to bring you the best bits and the best quotes. Also, we have the full lyrics to that ultra-catchy Yobogoya jingle!

Always Sunny – Carpetbaggers’ artifacts belong in a museum!

This week, the fat gets cut and we’re thrown into a crazy story of vases and infidelity and potato chips right away. Also, there’s a whip!

The League – MyFace and the Bobbum man

Forget the Slender Man … Bobbum man is the new scary urban legend. And he’ll totally poke you on MyFace.

Community – Mostly costume-less, still hilarious Halloween episode

After last year’s Zombie Apocalypse, the study group gets back to basics – some good old-fashion ghost stories … more or less.

The League – The Golden Gate Bridge

Pete will never be able to enjoy San Fransisco again, thanks to a certain sex act and a certain sexual deviant.

Always Sunny – Hurricane Paddy hits

Inspired by Hurricane Irene (I suspect), the writers throw Paddy’s Pub in the middle of a huge storm. Plus, Charlie gets a hatchet.

My Little Pony takes on Halloween – CartoonClack

The show might call it Nightmare Night, but Ponyville is definitely in the Halloween spirit with this weekend’s episode.

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