CliqueClack TV

Jay Black

Twitter: jayblackcomedy
Bio: I am a comedian who performs all over the country. Come and see me some time.

Posts by Jay Black

What’s wrong with burying your head in the sand? (OR: My own bailout plan)

  I’m done.  I’m out.  It’s over.  I can’t take another millisecond of coverage about Wall Street.  The fact is that most of the time I don’t understand a bit about what’s going on, and the brief flashes of understanding that I do have make me feel like I’m Christopher Walken in The Dead Zone. […]

TV tech we need right now: Slingbox for the iPhone

I imagine that there might be some of you out there who don’t know what the Slingbox is.  (And by “some of you, I mean, “An Amish guy who is looking at this webpage on a laptop that fell off the back of a truck”.)  It’s okay, I don’t judge: the Slingbox is a wonderful […]

I take back all the bad things I said about those Arrested Development freaks!

Okay, don’t throw anything at me, but I have a confession to make: I didn’t watch Arrested Development when it aired.  In fact, I went out of my way not to watch it.  The entire time I was doing this I had this feeling that maybe Fox was just one viewer short of keeping it […]

Why do we even have Campaign Ads? (OR: I’m Jay Black and you’re a moron if you listened to this message)

The easy answer to the question “Why do we even have campaign ads?” is the one that I’m sure will be the subject of our first angry comment: “Because there’s freedom of speech in this country, Bucko!  Love it or leave it!  Toby Keith!  USA!  USA!” I’m not arguing against free speech.  Without freedom of […]

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