CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

Psych stepped up the laughs for me this week

I always laugh out loud at least several times while watching an episode of Psych. It’s not Shawn’s crazy psychic antics, or even Gus’s straight man act. Well, OK, sometimes it’s Gus. More often than not, though, the laughs for me are: One-liner ’80s pop culture references Shawn’s dad and their interactions The situations the […]

Why Craig Ferguson is the best talk show host there is – Guest Clack

Sebastian’s back Guest-clacking for us again…. If you follow my guest-clacks here over the last month, you’ve most likely already discovered that I’m a sucker for all things “real.” I love shows that feel right, things that fit, stories that could happen. I like to laugh because it makes me feel warm and cuddly inside. […]

House – Cameron says yes to House

(Season 5, Episode 13 – “Big Baby”) Tonight’s episode was almost typical House, but something was just a bit off throughout every storyline. It was as if a writer who never worked on House before wrote this episode solo, because although it was still pretty good, it just didn’t click. For instance, House is usually […]

Diary of a Supernatural Virgin – Darkness, death, clowns and vamps

(Season 2, Episodes 1-3) Oh, Supernatural, how I have missed you so. My loyalties have been divided between my duties at CliqueClack, which require me keeping up with that pesky current television, and my new guilty pleasure, the Winchester boys. Well, tonight, duties be damned … I’m watching a Supernatural marathon, so bring on season […]

Don’t Lie to Me, Starbuck; SNL is too long – The Week in Clack

Week of January 18 to January 24 Clever, insolent, creative, irreverent; even a little twisted. I speak of the writers here at CliqueClack, and the unique posts they churn out day after day. How could we let seven days go by without highlighting some of the week’s gems? (If you’d like to receive this in […]

We finally know what Grey’s Anatomy’s Denny is up to … or do we?

Aside from all of the other incredible awesomeness that was last week’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy, we finally got some answers as to why Denny’s been hanging around. “I’m here for you, Izzie Stevens.” Yeah, I was getting kind of sick of hearing that, even though it was cute when Izzie first started seeing dead […]

Leverage’s Hardison comes into his own

Did you see Leverage’s episode, “The Mile High Job,” this week? Granted, it wasn’t the most clever case, but it was arguably the funniest episode of the season so far, and the credit goes to our friend Alec Hardison. Up until now, Hardison would deliver some memorable lines, and have a public role or two […]

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