CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

Buffy or Angel? – CliqueClack Poll of the Week

This may not be a fair question. In fact, I may not be able to choose (I’ll have to make sure there is a poll choice that reflects that!). But I thought it would be fun to ponder and discuss. If you could only own the DVDs of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel, which […]

Leverage’s Star Trek reunion – a fun episode, but not very reunion-y

I’ve really been looking forward to Leverage‘s “The Juror #6 Job,” since it’s been hyped as a big Star Trek Reunion. We were delivered a funny, entertaining episode as always, but I was a little disappointed by the reunion angle. I expected to tune in and see the jury box filled with stars from the […]

Kyle XY is full of holes and leaking

“Braxton Hicks.” – pregnant Gretchen, explaining her pains. “Is that your baby’s name?” – Kyle A funny quote, to be sure, but that was the first of many holes in this week’s episode of Kyle XY. Kyle — the walking encyclopedia, who can spout off labor and birthing facts throughout the episode — didn’t know […]

Friday Night Lights – Goodbye Smash

Sebastian’s back Guest-clacking for us again…. This episode marked the end of an era on Friday Night Lights with Smash Williams finally making it into College at Texas A&M. It’s been a long hard road for my favorite character on this show and I’m sad to see him leave for good. Unfortunately there’s nothing left […]

American Idol – What’s the point of group performances?

I can tell you the answer to that question in one word: drama. The Powers That Be at American Idol mistakenly think that makes for good TV, so they throw in this obnoxious group competition. I’m here to tell them why they’re wrong. No one wants to see the sleep-deprived divas blubber and whine. We […]

Heroes – Save the characters, save the show – Guest Clack

Ivey’s back Guest-clacking for us again…. So, if we are to believe the NBC promotions department, the fourth season of Heroes began this week. I guess I’m just a bit old school, and think that season four is scheduled to start in September. But that could just be wishful thinking, and they could just be […]

Worst long-running show ever – Poll of the Week

When something sparks an idea in Bill White, watch out! Something set him off, and all of us writers here at CliqueClack had a fabulous time listing our nominations for the worst long-running show ever. We know there are some shows that are long-running but not on this list. But we could not be party […]

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