CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

Do you like House on Vicodin or Methadone?

“He’s there, isn’t he?” — Foreman, to Wilson over the phone “That would certainly explain the inappropriate responses.” — Wilson I’m not usually one for shaking things up on House — I like the formula and I make no excuses for my tunnel vision and my narrow mind. Tonight’s episode, though, veered from the formula […]

Friday Night Lights – J.D.’s first beer, thanks to Riggins

Sebastian’s back Guest-clacking for us again with another Friday Night Lights commentary…. After Smash Williams left the show two weeks ago, Friday Night Lights now focuses on the other character who is no longer member of this year’s Dillon Panthers — or actually hasn’t been one since the second episode. He would be out of […]

House needs Wilson to make a diagnosis

“You’re a wuss — part whimp, part puss.” — House to Wilson, because he was going to Cuddy’s baby’s naming ceremony Could House ever diagnose a patient without Wilson? It seems that the writers at House, for better or for worse, have found a formula that they think works. I’m wondering what you think…. I’m […]

The Mentalist or Lie to Me? – Poll of the Week

Some would argue that The Mentalist, if not a copycat, is at least a shout-out to Psych. They’ve even tossed each other a few nods, with the pineapple showing up a couple of times on The Mentalist and Shawn’s character on Psych mentioning watching The Mentalist. That’s all in good fun, and coming from a […]

Leverage’s team – Is everyone an addict?

That is the question, isn’t it? When the team organizes the intervention for Nate, whose drinking problem was getting worse, Sophie says that he doesn’t need rehab — Nate needs revenge. So they plan to screw over Blackpoole, the CEO of IYS (the company Nate used to work for) and the man responsible for denying […]

Do we want Hiro to be a ‘super’ Hero again?

Ivey’s back Guest-clacking about Heroes again this week…. Hiro Nakamura has been a fan favorite since the very first episode of Heroes. He was the only Hero early on that was excited about his powers. However, it’s this very power that’s been central to to some of the main complaints about the show. Do we […]

Kyle XY’s Latnok – good or bad?

Hmmmm. As loyal viewers, are we to think that Latnok has really changed its tune since the beginning of the season (or series, for that matter)? There are lots of arguments that perhaps Latnok is not the evil organization it was made out to be, that the new regime has only pure intentions to save […]

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