CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

American Idol stream-of-consciousness

Oh, how I wish I had live-blogged this week’s American Idol performances. It was ripe — ripe, I tell you! — with fodder for discussion. Part comedy, part tragedy, it was akin to Shakespeare … well, no. But let’s try to relive it through my stream-of-consciousness post; I hope it doesn’t make you miss the […]

Life – Coolest twist ever

Sebastian’s back Guest-clacking for us again, taking a break from his usual commentary about Friday Night Lights…. How insanely good was last week’s episode of Life? What do you mean you don’t know? Go watch it right now on and when you come back we can start with talking about the music after the […]

How I Met Your Mother – I was only acting!

“Call me crazy, but child actors were way better back in the ’80s.” — Barney The theme of acting ran throughout the episode tonight on How I Met Your Mother. I’ve got a couple of observations, and a couple of questions. Lily has been acting for 12 years, pretending she likes Marshall’s mother; then, she […]

Friday Night Lights – Flip this house!

Sebastian’s back again, Guest-clacking about another episode of Friday Night Lights…. This week we definitely got a filler episode. I mean how can it really be interesting how Buddy Garrity gets along with his children? The guy’s just annoying. So his kids are influenced by his wife’s new husband. Big deal, poor boy. Finally he […]

Why Castle will be a hit show

I’ve seen the pilot and the third episode of Castle, ABC’s new procedural (yeah, but give it a chance!) starring Nathan Fillion. The news is all good, very good, in fact. The premise is that Rick Castle, best-selling murder mystery author, has a serial killer copycatting the murders from his books. This is the springboard […]

Team Leverage: Shining moments in the finale

I don’t think there is anyone who would argue that Team Leverage (you know, Nate, Parker, Hardison, Sophie and Eliot of TNT’s Leverage) is anything but a study in perfection: they are well-rounded, bring different specialties to the plate, interact with one another in unique ways and balance each other out. Every episode brings us […]

Leverage’s Sterling and Maggie are awesome

OK, did I tell you, or did I tell you? Was that not one of the most perfect season finales ever to grace your screen? Now, we know that Nate, Parker, Eliot, Sophie and Hardison are awesome. And by awesome, I mean spectacularly written and acted, funny, human, three-dimensional and, well, spunky. We’ve gotten a […]

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