CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

Diary of a Supernatural virgin – Demon Sam, shape-shifters, tricksters and misguided priests

(Season 2, Episodes 12 – 15) Just when I thought Supernatural couldn’t get any better… wow. In this batch of episodes, I was treated to crazy story arc stuff including more “murders” on Dean’s long rap sheet and Demon Sam. Bobby’s back, being amazing, and a couple of one-off episodes delivered deep and funny stuff. […]

School House Rock Earth – CliqueClack Review

School House Rock and I go way back, and have a complex relationship. I grew up loving the likes of “Interplanet Janet,” “A Noun is a Person, Place or Thing,” and “A Victim of Gravity,” and my kiddie lit professor in college was one of the creators of the series. Now, as a teacher and […]

Damages – season three predictions

Aside from the heart-stopping twists and turns the Damages season two finale provided, we were left with just enough loose ends to keep us guessing — and interested — in what season three will have in store for us. I’ve got a couple of predictions about Ellen and Patty, Daniel’s fate, Claire Maddox, Patty’s family […]

House’s characters – a different point of view

“Meet my diagnostic posse… Hot, Dark and Darker.” – House We have become accustomed to knowing the characters on House through the viewer’s eyes. And why not? It’s what TV does. “Locked In,” though, provided us a couple of new opportunities for getting to know House and his hospital colleagues, while inserting humor in a […]

Taub dies on House – ya think?

OK, maybe that’s not even remotely true, but after watching this week’s episode of House, I have some theories as to why there’s a good chance that what we’ll be seeing is the suicide of Dr. Taub. Heck, even TV Guide agrees with me, so I can’t be completely all wet, right? Taub’s been less […]

How I Met Your Mother was lethal tonight

Whether or not you liked tonight’s episode of How I Met Your Mother, you’ve got to appreciate the cleverness that went into sustaining the Lethal Weapon metaphor throughout the Barney storyline. McKracken, laser tag owner, played Murtaugh to Barney’s Riggs. Barney’s erratic behavior caused him to lose his badge and get another chance. Barney screws […]

Castle’s family is just part of the fun

I totally see where my friend Jen is coming from when she writes about the flaws in Castle‘s writing; I really do. However, I’m with commenter Franklin on this one: I love it just the same. And to give the writers a little more credit than Jen did, I think I may know what they’re […]

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