CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

CliqueClack Food – Superman, hunting and chocolate

As I sit here in front of the TV with my hand fully plunged into a bag of chocolate chips, I have to question my choice of hobbies. Hey, no one expects me to hike when it’s dark outside, right? Besides, hiking with my hand fully plunged into a bag of chocolate chips might be […]

Castle, Beckett and Leverage’s Hardison

“And you call your ex-wife a deep-fried Twinkie?” – Beckett to Castle I noticed a couple of interesting things as I watched Castle last night. First things first — I still enjoyed it, even though I was actually much too tired to be watching TV. Does that say something about a show, or not? Should […]

House – the Kutner fallout

I have to say, I really enjoyed the way Kutner’s death was handled last week on House. It was non-sensational (aside from the classy Kutner online memorial), matter-of-fact, very real. Tonight’s follow-up episode did not disappoint; it was the perfect follow-up to the sensitive portrayal of Kutner’s suicide from last week, revealing subtlely how each […]

CliqueClack Food – porn, lamb and cookies

Are you still eating? Good, because we’ve got some interesting posts for you over at CliqueClack Food. There’s nothing like a little porn, and Kona’s convinced Quorn is food porn for vegetarians. If you enjoyed Bill White’s post about Man v. Food here on CliqueClack TV, be sure to check out Guest-clacker Nicole’s post about […]

Castle’s Nikki Heat gets a back story

I’m liking the direction Castle is taking. They are getting back to Castle as a writer, and even acknowledging that there is some cheese factor to his novels, which is funny. They are keeping up the fast pace, adding some back story to Beckett and keeping up the banter between Castle and Beckett. My only […]

Watch TV, eat, read CliqueClack Food

We know you watch TV; after all, you’re here, right? Well, we know something else about you too: you eat. Everyone’s got to eat, so unless you’re hooked up to a feeding tube, there’s something for you over at CliqueClack Food. Our opinions are not only controversial about TV — look what Kona’s got to […]

Who died on House tonight?

Let me begin this post by saying there will be no spoilers before the jump … but wow! I don’t mean wow just for the reveal of who died on House tonight, but because of the way it was handled. Every character’s reaction was so true to who they have shown themselves to be thus […]

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