CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

Castle’s poker games are back … sort of

“If you’re looking for a happy ending, you’ve come to the wrong place.” – Beckett “Next time I’ll have to try that massage parlor on Seventh Avenue.” – Castle Have you all started writing your thank you notes to us? That’s Debbie and Keith McDuffee, c/o CliqueClack TV… what do you mean, what are you […]

How I Met Your Mother’s characters’ quirks

Lily wasn’t in this episode, since Alyson Hannigan was probably huger than huge during the filming of this show. You can move past it, I know you can. Move on, and embrace the many character quirks that this episode celebrated. We know that each of our beloved How I Met Your Mother characters is a […]

Diary of Supernatural Virgin – Season two ends with answers and questions

Season 2, episodes 20-22 You all told me that the ending of season two was spectacular. Don’t worry, I believed you, but it was so amazing to finally experience it myself. Jensen Ackles just keeps upping the game. Dean has become one of the most three-dimensional, complex, well-acted characters on television. Can’t wait to see […]

Seven reasons ABC will not cancel Castle

With the upfronts coming next month, there’s a lot of speculation as to what shows will be back next season. It seems that almost every show is on the bubble — nothing’s safe, yet nothing’s definitively canceled either. I’m going out on a limb here and stating that Castle‘s safe. Why? 1. Nathan Fillion’s finally […]

Castle steps it up again

“I shot too soon.” – Castle “Well, we could always just cuddle, Castle.” – Beckett, to Castle at the shooting range. Ah, so here’s our flip-flopped Castle episode, the one that was originally meant to air last week, in place of “Always Buy Retail.” I’m still left with the question about why TPTB chose to […]

Diary of a Supernatural Virgin – Expect the unexpected

Season 2, Episode 16-19 I got myself a mixed bag with this installment of Supernatural. Man, these writers really do try everything, don’t they? And it always works … almost. I loved two of these episodes, but then had my issues with the other two. Neither of them were stinkers, per se, but one failed […]

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