CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

Diary of a Supernatural Virgin – Kripke’s a god … again

Season 4, Episode 16 – 19 I’ve just about forgotten about those five or so episodes in the middle of season four that had me wondering if Kripke had been kidnapped by aliens and J.J. Abrams, or maybe Greg Berlanti, had taken over for him. You know the pattern: strong start, show with promise, unique […]

Diary of a Supernatural Virgin – You had me at sex and violence

Season 4, Episodes 13 – 15 I’m just not sure it’s normal for someone my age … is it OK that my heart beats with excitement every time I hear AC/DC on the car radio these days? Oh Dean, what have you and your 8-tracks done to me? Or maybe it’s Kripke, and the fact […]

Stalking Jim, onion goggles and Lotto – Daily Rerun Roundup

I know, I know — you go out clubbing on Friday nights, so why on earth do you care about repeats? Lest you forget the power of the DVR, you might just want to revisit some gems this weekend: On CBS on Friday night, Melinda stalks new Jim on the Ghost Whisperer tonight. Weigh in […]

Diary of a Supernatural Virgin – Kripke, why have you forsaken me?

Season 4, Episodes 9 – 12 After I dropped Owen off at Nature Camp this week (oh, sweet freedom!), I was driving home to too-loud classic rock, imagining myself to be the long-lost Winchester sister … have I been watching too much Supernatural? To tell you the truth, I’m starting to think it wouldn’t be […]

Is According to Jim funnier when you’re drunk?

I can’t imagine getting drunk enough to find out. But Jeff Love, one of CliqueClack Food’s staff writers did. Last week, Jeff reviewed the series finale of According to Jim here on CliqueClack TV. Consensus? The show’s not funny. Pretty much what viewers all around the country have been saying for years. I wonder what […]

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