CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

HIMYM – The origin of Chewbacca exhibit is in Albuquerque, of course

“I once fantasized about that silhouette chick you see on a truck’s mudflaps. It took me less than a mile.” – Barney Does this one even need a setup? If you were looking for some forward movement on the “mother” story, you were probably sorely disappointed with this episode. What you got instead, though, was […]

Psych brings in the funny but also the complex

Shawn, on who beside him doesn’t own a black suit: “Besides me, The Joker, Col. Sanders, Matthew McConaughey….” “McConaughey doesn’t count. He doesn’t own a shirt.” – Gus “He doesn’t need a shirt.” – Shawn “You know that’s right.” – Gus Tonight’s episode of Psych made my laugh out loud, as usual, but there were […]

The Vampire Diaries shows a darker side, and I like it

I really had a good time last week making fun of The Vampire Diaries. The foolishness of the show was just screaming at me from inside my TV, willing me to point it out for all the world to see. This week, I was pleasantly surprised with the third episode of The Vampire Diaries. There […]

Modern Family’s writers are smart on many levels

You already know how much I adored the premiere of Modern Family. I have now watched it three times (it’s a sick addiction at this point, and Keith is about to stage an intervention) and each time, I’ve found something new to appreciate and laugh at. This is a testament to the writing team, and […]

Cougar Town is really about a mother and son

Cougar Town has been criticized for being demeaning to women and simply a tasteless flaunting of cougar sex. There is that, though it is done with such humor and respect that it isn’t offensive to me. That’s also not what this show is really about. The interactions between the quirky characters are what carries the […]

The Greatest American Hero – CliqueClack Flashback

If you were around in the ’80s, you watched this goofy, likable show, even if you don’t want to admit it. The Greatest American Hero appealed to the kids, crazy about the super hero aspect and crushing on either Michael Pare or Faye Grant, depending on which way you swung. The adults got to enjoy […]

Castle, the morguemobile and sidekicks

“Beckett, how come you don’t wear a uniform like that?” – one of the cops she works with (I know, I’m going to have to learn their names eventually) “Because I don’t want to get paid in singles.” – Beckett I wrote in my preview post that Castle‘s season two premiere was not only great, […]

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