CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

The Vampire Diaries has a brain cramp, or: Why is Damon the only one with a brain?

“I’m worse than shallow — I’m a kiddie pool.” – Caroline I’ve got to hand it to The Vampire Diaries. Just when I think they are going to deliver a boring episode, or go someplace entirely lame or sappy with the storyline, they fool me. In a good way, because they are not afraid to […]

Modern Family pairs up to deliver the quotes

One of the things I love about Modern Family is that it’s not only quotably funny, it’s situationally funny. Like tonight, for instance — I roared with laughter through the entire cold open, but I couldn’t pick a quote from it, because it wasn’t the lines that made me laugh, it was the situations the […]

CliqueClack’s looking for a few good writers

TV’s in full swing and we’re just about to enter November sweeps. Do you have something to say about what you watch? Are you a sci-fi junkie, or maybe nighttime soaps float your boat? Perhaps you’re up-to-date on all the latest TV news and have your own take on what it means for the television […]

The nine reasons How I Met Your Mother’s Barney and Robin worked tonight

“That must be that tantric bagpiping that Sting is into … shut the bagpipes up.” – Ted to Robin, about the noisy “bagpiping” neighbors upstairs What? A How I Met Your Mother episode that was centered around Robin and Barney being a couple, and Marshall and Lily’s domestic issues? I guess that’s not so weird […]

The Vampire Diaries – More eye-rolls than OMGs?

I’m just not sure that the ratio of OMGs to eye-rolls is favorable after this episode of The Vampire Diaries.

Cougar Town’s Bobby stole the show tonight

The best part about Cougar Town is not Jules and her dating problems. Don’t get me wrong, we get some great lines because of it — “I had to sex away his tears” —  but I’m really digging the men on this show. OK wait, the sucking on chocolate for three seconds was pretty classic […]

Modern Family’s Phil is as weird as The Middle’s Brick, in a good way

“Am I driving him to school or is he riding his burro?” – Jay to Gloria about Manny wearing his poncho to school You want to know why the ABC comedies are getting such rave reviews? Because people can relate to them. I just finished watching The Middle, celebrating the weird kid, and then Modern […]

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