CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

Fear not, for Modern Family was hilarious this week

Almost every character was afraid of something on tonight’s ‘Modern Family,’ but if you’re fearful of irreverent jokes, steer clear of this episode.

How I Met Your Mother’s greatest invention: the lunch lady scooter

Though this season of ‘How I Met Your Mother’ has been lackluster for me, there was one scene in tonight’s episode that struck me funny … really, really funny.

Would you like some skillet cookies or molten chocolate cake with your Olympics?

Watching the Olympic athletes work so hard sure makes me hungry! Try these crowd-pleasing munchies, easy dinners and decadent desserts to feed your couch potato.

Human Target is starting to grow on me

After the first two episodes of ‘Human Target,’ I wasn’t too sure I’d be tuning in each week. Thanks to the Olympics, I’ve caught up on all of the episodes and changed my tune because this is the best role for Mark Valley since the great ‘Keen Eddie.’

Leverage steals the mayor, but not much else

Even though Leverage’s season two finale had some great moments, I’m disappointed that it didn’t measure up to the greatness of season one’s near-perfect finale.

Glee’s preview for the April episodes – Do you miss it even more now?

Does viewing the newly released ‘Glee’ preview make you happy or do you now miss FOX’s show even more?

Supernatural season six is happening: Do you have faith?

Part of me is thrilled that ‘Supernatural’ has been granted a sixth season, but then there’s that nagging voice pushing out the happy thoughts, wondering where there is to go after the Apocalypse.

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