CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

Vampire Diaries – Can the writers keep up this pace of awesomeness?

They are making up for taking last week off, because ‘The Vampire Diaries’ squished more action and reveals into this one episode than … well, than there are in a whole season of ‘Lost.’

House portrays medicine as devoid of compassion

House and Wilson’s B storyline saved this episode of ‘House,’ which was devoid of compassion on the part of the obstetrics team and devoid of emotion by the well-known guest actress, clearly having an off day.

How I Met Your Mother’s Amazing Race = Maury Povich for the win

In tonight’s episode, Maury Povich calls Lily an idiot. It took six seasons for a guest star to say what we’ve all been thinking….

Vampire Diaries – Will Stefan remain in control?

How many deputies did Damon eat? Will Mason survive to see season three? Is Caroline’s fruit-punch mouth a shout-out to ‘Buffy’? ‘The Vampire Diaries’ always leaves me asking the good questions.

Quibbling Siblings: Live or DVR? That is the question

Every week brother and sister team Bob and Debbie take on a new topic. This week we discuss watching TV live versus DVR and how the Nielsen ratings figure in.

Poll: What’s the best ensemble cast currently on TV?

Aw … cooperation. Working together is what makes the casts of a lot of shows worth watching. Read about our favorites and vote for yours!

Can House continue to grow into a better man?

It’s a good question. He’s been amazing this season with Cuddy and I hope we’re not just waiting for the inevitable shoe to drop. They’ve proven that House can still be a funny ass when happy, so let’s let him be.

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