CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

Vampire Diaries – What does Jules want with Tyler?

Everybody talked a good game in this episode, and even made it look good at times, but they’ve all got a secret agenda.

What defines a fluff show? – Quibbling Siblings

An accusation leads to some riveting discussion about what constitutes fluff versus meaningful TV, all ending with an admission worth waiting for. Reading this Quibbling Siblings is better than watching any fluff show!

Human Target has worse problems than continuity issues

On Monday night, I though ‘Human Target’ had continuity issues. Perhaps they did, but it’s much worse that that. They may not have quite jumped the shark tonight, but they definitely leapt over the sardine … the stinky, stinky sardine.

A second Psych Twin Peaks homage: Things we’d like to see

Now that the possibility of a second ‘Twin Peaks’ ‘Psych’ episode exists, a few of us discussed what we would like to see in that episode … pretty please?

Human Target can’t get good and then screw with continuity … that’s just wrong

Am I just one of the sheep now, because I’ve actually grown to like the ‘Human Target’ reboot? Nah, because as much as I enjoyed tonight’s episode, I do have one huge nitpick … and I mean enormous.

Why the Being Human spinoff is probably cooler than the SyFy remake

BBC’s very smart business move, creating a web series spinoff of their ‘Being Human’ hit – with teenaged supes to boot – definitely trumps SyFy’s remake of a show that hasn’t even finished its original run.

Can Mark Wahlberg hit another home run?

Or in this case, it would be more accurate to say get another touchdown, since CBS just picked up his new pilot, ‘Home Game.’

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