CliqueClack TV

Carla Day

Twitter: CarlaDay
Google Profile
Bio: Definitely watch way too much television. Some good and some ... not so good. But, still love it! But, writing and talking about TV makes it all worth it. Hope you'll read my stuff and join the conversation by commenting!

Posts by Carla Day

Chuck at C2E2 – Video montage including sneak peek

Check out our recording of the Chuck video from C2E2. Includes some favorite moments and sneak peeks of future scenes!

Fringe – Is that Olivia or Bellivia?

Last week it appeared that, yet again, Anna Torv was given the challenge of playing a new role: Bellivia. Tonight, we found out if, in fact, that did happen.

The V finale kills!

As a season finale, this was a non-stop ride with so many twists and deaths – I loved it. As a potential series finale, it was a little lacking. Though it was a cliffhanger, it was one that I could live with as a series finale; there was an end of sorts.

Chuck – We finally find out about all the Gretas

This episode of ‘Chuck’ could have sent the show down a very bad path, but thankfully it all worked out. Well, at least for now.

Fringe – Peter and Olivia are happy … for now

To be honest, this episode was one of my least favorite, well, it was … until the end. Woah! ‘Fringe’ continues to surprise me week after week and even a slow episode like tonight’s – blows my mind.

Castle – Countdown – LiveClack

When we last saw Castle and Beckett, they were in a deep freeze. Will they make it out in time to save NYC? Come chat with us during the show at 10 PM ET/9 PM CT.

Fringe goes back in time to when Olivia and Peter first meet

When I heard ‘Fringe’ was going to have another flashback episode, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see a young Peter and Olivia, but … what an amazing episode. Some answers and even more questions!

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