CliqueClack TV

An Nicholson

Twitter: anicho01
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Bio: An is now ABD in Cultural Studies and English Literature. Check her out on Google Plus

Posts by An Nicholson

Is HIMYM a repeat of Archie Comics? – Monthly Musings

After a night watching a ‘HIMYM’ marathon, I realized something … ‘HIMYM’ *is* ‘Archie’ comics. Am I crazy? Insane? Of course! But, clack on to let me know if you agree or not.

Nikita – Better than midget porn

This week, the writers of ‘Nikita’ give their viewers the ultimate Valentine’s Day gift – kickbutt TV. Was it better than midget porn? ‘Eff, yea.

Is post-Hiatus Nikita like post-weight gain Tyra?

Is post-hiatus ‘Nikita’ ripping off ‘Human Target’? Or is it like post-weight gain Tyra Banks – still hot, but not as hot as a Victoria’s Secret swimsuit model.

Does Being Human’s violence compare to True Blood and Vampire Diaries?

Having just watched (and loved) SyFy’s latest supernatural series, I wondered how the vampire violence in ‘Being Human’ compares with HBO’s ‘True Blood’ and the CW’s ‘Vampire Diaries’?

Why I love NetFlix (the video store killer) – Monthly Musings

Did NetFlix kill the video store? After my local closed, I found myself turning to on-line rentals. And I love it. But, I can’t help but wonder – does the internet kill the video store experience? Are you a NetFlix convert or foe? Share your thoughts.

Is it me or is Hellcats getting better?

Way back in September I watched the ‘Hellcats’ preview pilot and found myself unimpressed with the show’s acting. However, after watching since the hiatus I found myself seeing it in totally different eyes. How about you?

Nikita’s back — did she deliver?

Last night’s episode focusing on Alex’s first day out of Division offered a solid hiatus return for a show which had a shaky pilot start.

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