CliqueClack TV

Supernatural – All our friends are dead

The Winchester boys may believe they're quite alone in the world right now, but they're still getting help from some unlikely places ... or, for 'Supernatural', perhaps it's more likely than not.

- Season 7, Episode 17 - "The Born-Again Identity"

By now I’m pretty sure we’re all in agreement that Bobby is still working from beyond the grave to help Sam and Dean in their travels. Though, do Sam and Dean really have no idea yet? Early on one of them had joked that they thought it might be the ghost of Bobby behind some things that were going on, but they quickly shrugged it off. For guys who can so quickly pinpoint something otherworldly going on — as Sam even snapped to doing in this episode, in the middle of a psychotic break — you’d think Bobby being behind some things would make all the sense in the world. What’s more, Bobby had his hand filthy with underworld and afterlife mojo. Come on guys, wake up!

Now, with Bobby pointing the way for Dean to find Cas, could it be that Bobby is right there behind what brought Cas back in the first place? It wouldn’t surprise me in the least. In fact, when — I’m going with not “if” — we see Bobby again, it would be very cool to do a sort of flashback to some of the things we’ve seen go due to Bobby’s intervening. How many times do you think the word “idjit” will come out of his mouth as he’s watching them do things he’d never have done, only to cause him to have to open a book or otherwise point them in the right direction.

With Bobby’s intervening, Cas coming back and then even Meg, are these more attempts at trying to call back the good ol’ days of the early seasons of Supernatural, just as it seemed this season was going to go when it started? It was a little odd to see Meg appear here, only to have her settle in as someone to keep close to Cas as he sits in torment, but I don’t get the feeling we’ve seen the last of either one of them as well. I guess Sam and Dean will just come on back to clean up Cas when they’re done doing whatever they’re doing … yeah, what’s the endgame here?

Strange that we see demons in this episode, but no leviathans. Anyone else a bit confused as to what things are supposedly leading up to this season, when we’re getting to the home stretch at this point?

“So who named you Emmanuel?” – Dean
“” – Cas

“This ain’t gonna go well.” – Dean, on Emmanuel/Cas trying to smite the demons

“I don’t know … I believe in the little tree-topper.” – Meg

“That was beautiful, Clarence.” – Meg, to Cas

Photo Credit: Ed Araquel/The CW

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