CliqueClack TV

American Idol – We’re down to nine

Who got eliminated on 'American Idol' trimming the contestants down to single digits? Read on, fellow reality singing competition lover. ...

- Season 11, Episode 23 - "Top 10 Elimination"

Colton Dixon led off the group with Billy Joel’s “The Longest Time” to start this edition of American Idol. No big deal there … nor was it with the majority of the hopefuls backing him up and taking their turns. But what really got me was this: DeAndre actually sang decently! Holy crap! (And isn’t it oh, so nice to see everyone genuinely singing instead of lip syncing? You betcher boots it is …)

Two of the three I picked (well … four, to be precise) were in the Bottom 3, but DeAndre slipped through the fence this time as the first to be let off the hook and back in the safety of the group. I was somewhat fearful — between Heejun and Erika — the spunky, cocky Mr. Han might have sealed his fate with Wednesday’s goofy performance. But he skated free with Erika getting the hammer dropped on her. Rather a shame: Brand new look and a pretty well performed stint on performance night, but it was obviously her time. And the judges weren’t in a giving mood to pass a save her way.

So let’s see how this Bottom 3 scare that left Heejun within a hair’s breadth of being eliminated affects his attitude and performances going forward. I like the guy, I’ve said it before. But Steven was right the other night: He’s got to take it more seriously and show everyone he’s not just the Idol class clown.


  • Joe Perry (Aerosmith guitarist) out to add instrumentation on a little Happy Birthday sing-along for Steven Tyler. Almost looked as if Steven was misting up there a bit, didn’t it?
  • Hailey Reinhart confused the entire auditorium doing her rather strange song the audience could not figure how to keep the beat to.
  • Hey, look! It’s Liv Tyler in the crowd!
  • Hey, look! It’s former contestant Casey Abrams in the crowd!
  • Holy crap! DeAndre can sing decently! (Yes … that bore repeating …)


“His performance was like four minutes of a bad Adam Sandler movie that went straight to DVD.” — Jimmy Iovine on Heejun Han

“We got a third horse comin’ into this competition: We got Jessica, we got Joshua … Colton might be that third horse.” — Jimmy Iovine commenting on Colton Dixon

Photo Credit: FOX

3 Responses to “American Idol – We’re down to nine”

March 22, 2012 at 11:54 PM

I myself was never on board with Erika. I didn’t like her performance last night. So I feel a bit vindicated.
I’m completely weary of Heejun’s Schtick. He can sing when he wants to. It just doesn’t seem like he wants to.
I did think (hope) DeAndre would go. Huh.
Phil Times Two needs to stop dressing like he just got out of bed. C’mon. Twenty million people are watching. Be comfy if you need to. Put on a black T and some black jeans and a jacket. It’s been working for Springsteen for years …

March 23, 2012 at 4:34 AM

I like Phillip, but I think he is a small venue draw. For him, it’s all about the music and only the music. I don’t think he wants to be a pop star, I think he wants to earn his living making music so he doesn’t have to take over the family hock shop. But his main audience is himself, and if he likes his sound he doesn’t really care about anyone else. So, I guess he likes his “look”, too.

March 23, 2012 at 4:36 AM

I am in the boonies this week, and won’t be able to see the show until I get back to civilization. Thanks for keeping me up to date with your column.

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