CliqueClack TV

New Girl – One big jumbled mess

I sure would like to know what the writers were thinking going into this episode of 'New Girl' because, hands down, it was the worst of the season.

- Season 1, Episode 15 - "Injured"

Well … at least the writers got something right — the title: “Injured.” Because that’s exactly what this this edition of New Girl was.

Somewhere, in the jumble of words and tears and quotes and mess, there was a story with meaning. But if you were too busy trying to make sense of everything coming at you, you would have missed it.

The down and dirty is this: Nick injures his back playing touch football. He ends up going to Jess’ OB-GYN Sadie (June Diane Raphael, Piper Ferguson on NTSF:SD:SUV) where he gets more than he bargained for: Pain medication for his back in the form of menstrual pills and information he has some sort of growth on his neck, possibly thyroid related. An examination is scheduled for the next day. Everyone thinks Nick is dying … cancer … something. A night of drinking and camaraderie and commiseration is shared between everyone. They wake up on a beach the next morning and head to the doctor where Nick is checked out. It’s nothing but a cyst. The end.

In between, there was a little laughter, some awkwardness and a whole lot of blather that equated to the biggest mess that could possibly come out your television set in 22 minutes. It was was nothing but a heap of words barely resembling structure. It certainly didn’t entertain. The writers should be ashamed of themselves.

There was supposed to be genuine, heart-felt meaning mixed in with all the flotsam and jetsam we witnessed, but all we got was the relief of walking away while we scratched trying to make sense of it all.

What did you think? For me, it was the worst episode of the season.


  • The piano song with ad libs from everyone? “This Is A Sad Song” was just one of the very few things the writers got right. Everything else was bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
  • Jess sounded whiny and annoying throughout and Schmidt, as a change of pace, was even more so.
  • Cece looked pained to be there.
  • And this was one of the first episodes where I really didn’t like anything Nick had to say.


“I can taste my spine.” — Nick writhing on the ground after getting tackled by Jess

“Nick? She’s a wizard with a speculum.” — Jess to Nick in her OB-GYN’s office

“Well, according to this website it could be a colloid nodule … but … that’s most common in Golden Retrievers.” — Winston searching on-line what Nick’s condition might be

“Hey, hey. My friends. Can I just say these pill are amazing? I feel, like, really warm in my uterus.” — Nick to Jess, Schmidt and Winston having taken menstral pills from Jess’ OB-GYN

“I don’t want you talking at my funeral! You can go to my funeral, but you can’t talk! My funeral is my time to shine.” — Nick to Jess

“Nick, are you okay?” — Jess
“No! I’m not okay, Jess! I’m not okay! Alright … I woke up today and I wanted to play a friendly game of touch football! Then I hurt my back and I went to your gynecologist and now I might have cancer! So no, Jess … I’m not okay!” — Nick

“I don’t think this is the right time to bring this up you guys, but … does anyone else think Nick could stand to lose 5-7 pounds?” — Schmidt

“You know what I’m thinking about Ceese?” — Schmidt
“What, Schmidt?” — Cece
“That when you stand up, there’s going to be like a perfect imprint of your butt in the sand …” — Schmidt
“That is what you’re thinking about right now with your best friend down the beach going through what he’s going through?” — Cece

Photo Credit: FOX

6 Responses to “New Girl – One big jumbled mess”

March 7, 2012 at 9:16 AM

I really liked this one. I thought it showed great comraderie amongst the friends. They really were there for Nick in their own strange way. All of them paying his bill elicited a big Awwww from me. Winston’s car being an illegal recruitment gift cracked me up. Jess not telling Nick what did happen the night sweet. It definitely had a different tone than the usual show, but I liked it.

March 7, 2012 at 10:08 AM

Giving Nick the menstrual pills did finally explained something that has mystified our household for years. It was my then pre-teen daughter who first noticed the warning label on her menstrual pills that said “Do not take if being treated for enlarged prostate.”

March 7, 2012 at 12:06 PM

I thought it was hilarious and touching. It struck the balance very well, and I feel like the show is finally finding its identity and its footing.

March 7, 2012 at 2:00 PM

I agree, this was the worst episode of new girl. I didn’t even like the sad song ad lib. only thing i enjoyed was the football scene before the opening. I seriously have no idea what I watched. I hope no one tried to get their friends on the New Girl bandwagon with this episode.

March 7, 2012 at 7:53 PM

This was probably my favorite episode of the show in months, maybe ever! Most of the time (especially in the early episodes), the show was awkward without being funny. Then it wandered into innuendos and odd sexual moments. I almost gave up watching completely. But this episode was genuinely funny. It reminded me of all the moments I did love about New Girl, and made me smile and laugh out loud. I hope there are many more episodes like this.

March 9, 2012 at 10:11 AM

This episode was lacking hilarity, but it definitely helped move along the character development and brought the group closer together. I liked that CeeCee was there, she’s a riot and its good the show has decided to make her a regular.

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