CliqueClack TV

The final judgments begin on American Idol

Here we go: Paring down to a 24 count of contestants so we can begin the main event. Part one gave me a few surprises. How about you?

- Season 11, Episode 13 - "Final Judgment, Part 1"

Oh … let’s do something different this episode: I’ll vote on all the contestants to whittle down to 24 hopefuls the next two nights going forward vs. how they actually fared. You game?

(Note: Some of the contestants were only mentioned as not making it. I didn’t vote on these folks.)

And away we go …

Jen Hirsh: I said previously she can sing to me anytime. She not only emotes, she does it with style. Michael’s vote: She made it. Truth be told? (Henceforth “TBT) She made it.

Creighton Fraker: Dude’s too, too over the top for me. Wails too much and changes chords funkily. Michael’s vote: Nope. Truth be told? He made it. (Seriously?)

Lauren Gray — who’s father has been musicking his entire life and never made it big — isn’t good enough to make it through in my opinion. Truth be told? She doesn’t make it.

Joshua Ledet: I just didn’t know what to make of him exactly and could have gone any which way, so … Michael? Yes. Truth be told? He made it.

Blaire Sieber and Naomi Gillies were glossed over during this episode and didn’t make it. They weren’t showcased at all during previous shows. They’re history.

Haley Johnsen has got pipes. No doubt she makes it through. Michael: Yes. Truth be told?  She made it.

Nico Starr: He’s got a presence. Don’t necesssary like him much and don’t think he’ll get far (remember where you heard it first), but he’ll go through. Truth be told? He didn’t make it.

Clayton Farhat, River St. James, Caleb Johnson also didn’t go through.

Elise Testone. She can wail. She goes through. Not far, but she’ll make it. Truth be told? She makes it.

Reed Grimm is one of my favorites. He’s oozes quirk, so no doubt he makes it through for me. Truth be told? Reed makes it.

Erica Van Pelt: Adele-ing was a stumble, but with a voice like hers how could she not make it? She’s in. Truth be told? She’s in. (The problem, however, is that chicks with tattoos do not win American Idol. I know this. I’ve said this over and over and over again. And you know this.)

Chelsea Sorrell: I haven’t been impressed with her. No, she doesn’t make it. Truth be told? She makes it.

Bailey Brown. She’s improved since the last time we saw her and her final solo performance, though not the best, should have cemented a spot. But she does nothing for me. No, she doesn’t make it. Truth be told? She makes it anyway.

Richie Law is nixed, mark my words. I’m rather surprised he got as far as he did. Truth be told? He didn’t make it.

Heejun Han on the other hand, Heejun is a lock. He’s hit it every performance. Truth be told? No problem, he makes it. (The Beatles’ “Hey Jude” is playing in the background when it’s announced Heejun makes it. Funny stuff.)

Jessica Sanchez. Meh. Nah. Nope. Sure she can sing, but I just don’t see her as an American Idol. Still, with a voice like that, she’ll make it through. Truth be told? Nope.

Phillip Phillips is another favorite of mine I want to see go far. He’s got music inside him. When that happens, I’m on board someone’s train. So yes … he gets it. Truth be told? He skates in no problem.

Colton Dixon. I don’t see how Colton can not make it. He throws it out there at everyone. He is through. No doubt. Truth be told? He is in. (Note: Very nice to see his sister get so excited that he made it.)

Brielle Von Hugel. I know she’s got pipes and I’m really trying to get on her side, despite her hanger-on mother who bugs me. Regardless, she makes it. Truth be told? She makes it.

Adam Brock. Nothing stops this dude from getting through. Nothing. Dig him. Dude can command an audience. Truth be told? *ahem* Hello? Truth be told … ?!??

We don’t know … because that’s where this episode of American Idol ended, with that annoying little cliffhanger.

So how did I do in this little experiment? Of the 17 voted on, I correctly guessed 12 of them, 71%. Meh. (There were 18 including Adam Brock, but we won’t find out his fate until the next episode.)


“That kid is so mad talented, dude …” — Randy Jackson on Reed Grimm

“What are you sweatin’, Heejun?” — Ryan Seacrest during a mini-interview with Heejun Han
Heejun in a dead serious monotone: “Mostly water …”

“It’s the most complex thing to sum up in three words: I have to sing.” — Adam Brock … making not a three-word but a four-word statement

Photo Credit: FOX

One Response to “The final judgments begin on American Idol”

February 25, 2012 at 12:31 AM

I hafta sing. Three words.

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