CliqueClack TV

The Simpsons 500th episode – Springfield’s unending nightmare

"At Long Last Leave" marks a milestone for FOX's animated family with a pretty nice entry.

In the 500th (!!!) episode of The Simpsons, our heroes are banished from Springfield. This is nothing new as we’ve seen Homer and others ousted (The Simpsons Movie) or otherwise in previous episodes.

But you would think — with all those installments under their belts — it would be something pretty radical the members of the family did that would have gotten them nixed from good ‘ole Springfield. Not so. It was the matriarch of the family was the culprit this time: Marge. Her continued championing of her family as “not as bad as everyone “thinks” brought their (temporary) ouster. (They’ll assuredly be back in cozy Springfield come next week’s episode.)

I was of the mind to catch this particular chapter of The Simpsons specifically because it was the 500th episode. How could it not be exceptional? It had to be. The Powers That Be weren’t going to let a golden opportunity pass them by … and in many ways they did make the most of it. If only the last few seasons (with individual exceptions) were met with this sort of enthusiasm, The Simpsons wouldn’t be showing its age quite as much as it has of late.

Let’s be completely fair about this however: If you were in your 23rd season of a show, you’d definitely be showing wear and tear and a whole lot less pep in your step.

But, for one night at least, the zingers came back a’zingin’. Glad to have you back, guys.


  • Interesting (I guess) guests for the 500th show: Julian Assange (in exile in the “The Outlands”), Alison Krauss. And it’s always nice to hear Kelsey Grammer as Sideshow Bob.
  • Watching FOX gag: I have a hard time believing they’ve never used that gag previously.
  • Wow. “Jerk Off” … in a can. About as funny as the Nuts Off I used to sell as a representative of the heavy duty trucking industry. (I used to wrap up my sales pitch of the product with “And! It makes a great dessert topping, too!”)
  • I enjoyed the “log expulsion” of Ned Flanders from the secret town meeting gag for no other reason than the fact it was a Three Stooges site trick.
  • Homer: Tarred and feathered. Not the first time, not the last.


“I pick up books like you pick up beers!” — Lisa
“Then you have a serious reading problem.” — Homer

“I’ll have you know I’m also a hair donor. Salma Hayek wore me to the Oscars.” — Otto

“Cancel their subscription to the opera!” — Sideshow Mel
“But I hate the opera.” — Homer
“Then get them a subscription to the opera!” — Sideshow Mel
“Noooooooooooooooooo … !!!” — Homer


Photo Credit: FOX

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One Response to “The Simpsons 500th episode – Springfield’s unending nightmare”

February 20, 2012 at 11:30 AM

While I don’t watch religiously anymore, The Simpsons have still held up better in their more than 2 decades on TV than Family Guy has in the last 13 years or so.

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