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Snow White, Cinderella & Little Red Riding Hood walk into a bar …

The Fairy Tale Land 'secret' is starting to spread in Storybrooke.

- Season 1, Episode 12 - "Skin Deep"

Other than the cheeky gals’ night out on the Storybrooke town, at a bar called The Rabbit Hole — highlighted by Ashley receiving a wedding proposal and Mary Margaret receiving the wrong Valentine’s card from her married lover — this installment of Once Upon a Time focused the lion’s share of its scenes on Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold.

Let me say upfront: He is my least favorite character, so the prospect of having a Rumplestiltskin-heavy episode didn’t thrill me. However not only did it put more traditional fairy tales into a blender — combining Beauty & the Beast, Rumplestiltskin, Rapunzel (as far as the tower part) — it also took some thoroughly odd, Lost-like twists that I hope, for the sake of the show, ultimately pay off.

So let’s get this straight: Rumplestiltskin made a deal to take a young woman home as his servant in exchange for sparing her village from the ravages of the Ogres. Belle ultimately fell in love with Rumplestiltskin, particularly after he started to make himself emotionally vulnerable and reveal details about his sad past, namely the loss of his son and wife. However once Belle — given the opportunity to flee and didn’t take it — was informed by The Evil Queen that kissing Rumplestiltskin would break the spell he’s under if the pair were in love (thus it would also take away his dark powers, about which Belle appeared clueless), Rumplestiltskin went berserk and eventually drove Belle away, refusing to believe she actually loved him. And, according to The Evil Queen, Belle later was shunned by her father and locked up in a tower from which she leapt to death.

But did she? No, The Evil Queen is a stinking liar, at least about the Belle being dead part.

It was at this point, at the very end of the episode, when my interest became piqued. We learned that in Storybrooke:

— Mr. Gold knows that he was Rumplestiltskin in another world and that Regina was The Evil Queen. How long he has known this is unclear.

— Mr. Gold’s mind and emotions are vacillating back-and-force in time as evidenced by the fact that he was beating Moe with a cane and shouting about what he’d done to “her,” referring to Belle in Fairy Tale Land whom Gold/Rumplestiltskin thinks is dead.

— Regina has Belle (played by Emilie de Ravin from Lost) locked up in solitary confinement in the basement of the hospital and Belle looks just as disheveled as the actress did during her final season playing Claire on Lost.

— No one ever visits Belle.

This new knowledge has opened up a bunch of new questions:

What does the fact that Regina and Gold know that there was a Fairy Tale Land mean for the rest of the characters? Has Gold always known that his real identity is Rumplestiltskin or is that a fresh realization? Does Gold know the other Storybrooke inhabitants’ Fairy Tale Land’s IDs? Will others, now that Emma has arrived in town and is breaking The Evil Queen’s curse, start to awaken en mass, like David/Prince Charming did, sort of, although he hasn’t really put together that he was Mary Margaret’s husband in another time and place? How does Belle factor into all this?

While I applaud the deepening of the mysteries, I’d be lying if I didn’t cop to worrying that as the writers make the drama more labyrinthine, that they’ll never circle back to make everything make sense.

Photo Credit: ABC

8 Responses to “Snow White, Cinderella & Little Red Riding Hood walk into a bar …”

February 13, 2012 at 4:09 PM

I thought it odd that Belle fell in love in a blink of an eye. The only redeeming thing Rumple had done at the time was to catch her when she fell. Regina knows Mr. Gold’s weakness will be Belle and she will certainly play that hand and try to rid Mr. Gold of his power.
I thought the same thing as you when I saw Belle in solitary confinement..she is no better off than Claire on Lost!!!
The Valentine card that David bought for his wife was quite looked like a kids card. She’s not going to be happy with that!

February 13, 2012 at 6:19 PM

Belle does mention that she has spent “a couple months” in Rumpelstiltskin’s castle, and we’re meant to infer that their daily interactions have gradually softened each toward the other (he then gives her a special rose). I don’t believe that scene is the same day as the previous one in which he caught her, just that she only wears the same blue dress every day, as in the Disney film.

I like watching Mr. Gold (even though he looks exactly like Dr. Rush, whom I couldn’t stand), but find Rumpelstiltskin overacted due to all the singsong cackling. Thankfully, his leprechaun voice was toned down this week.

We don’t have time travel and multiple conspiracies, so I don’t think this show will introduce more than it can pay off. I’m more annoyed by the fact that every king in Fairy Tale Land seems to be a complete and utter bastard.

February 14, 2012 at 5:11 PM

I’m enjoying the abiguity of Gold/Rumple. Is he a good guy or a bad guy or a bit of both? Unlike the Queen (pure evil), this remains to be seen.

Emma has to be the worst cop on planet earth though (let my mortal enemy be alone with a prisoner so I can get ice cream with the kid? Sure.)

The show has introduced so many characters across multiple worlds that I’m starting to lose track of who is who and with whom. I couldn’t remember who Ashley was in what world last night…

February 18, 2012 at 1:46 AM

Is Ashley Cinderella?

February 21, 2012 at 1:32 AM

Ash….. Cinders

I imagine they thought they were quite clever to come up with it.

February 18, 2012 at 1:52 AM

My only real issue is that the story (our world) isn’t moving along fast enough … it seems that very little is happening on the Emma front (she is supposed to be able to fix the curse but nothing really is progressing other than little bits like Rumplestiltskin admitting he knows who he is/was) … the writers really need to have more characters start to actually figure out who they were previously … and have that revelation start to spread like a virus amongst everyone else

As for Emma being the worst cop ever … well that’s because she isn’t/wasn’t a cop … she was a skip tracer … Bounty hunting and police work are completely different things.

She did, however, manage to find the missing items that were stolen … and she did manage to find out where Mr. Gold had taken the Florist … so she’s not completely inept …

February 20, 2012 at 3:21 PM

ASHley – is CINDERella — that’s how I remember

February 21, 2012 at 1:35 AM

I think Gold has always known that he was Rumplestiltskin. He was the one who created the curse and in previous episodes he knew that if he said ‘please’ to Regina, she had to do what he wanted. He also knew to ask Snow and Charming what the name of their baby was going to be since she would be the one to break the curse in 28 years.

It took me until this episode when Rumple was spinning straw into gold to make the connection to Mr. Gold. Sometimes I’m pretty slow.

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