CliqueClack TV

Grimm – Anbody got a hankerin’ for body parts?

You needn't have filled out your organ donor card where the Geier are concerned. That formality doesn't concern them ... to your disadvantage ...

- Season 1, Episode 10 - "Organ Grinder"

“We shall see the crumbs of bread … and they shall show us the way home again.”

You know that step in the wrong direction I wrote about last post? Not this time. The tables turned … and in interesting ways. Those “crumbs of bread” really did appear to show us the way home again.

First off, this episode tossed me right smack dab in a cold pool of the willies. Didn’t it give you the creeps akin to the scenes of Buffalo Bill’s house in Silence Of The Lambs? Didn’t it harken to some of the more unsettling episodes of The X-Files? It did for me. Arriving at Murtaugh Road and getting in that trailer, pulling back that haphazardly tossed up plastic divider and getting that first look at all those curing organs just sent the hackles rising. It was one of the more defining moments of this chapter of Grimm.

From the get-go there was something different about this episode. Nick and Monroe’s little din-din chat at the beginning took on a disparate flavor to set the tone. It got personal in a way that was unexpected. It wasn’t the usual “visit-Monroe-ply-him-for-information” exchange that’s come to pass — this time Nick hung out a few worries to flap in the breeze, specifically his concerns about Juliette being drawn into his work and the danger she could be (and has been) in. Nick and Monroe have really become fast friends at this point. But any doubt about that was tossed out the window after Monroe got his ass kicked by the Reapers Of The Grimm (Hasslich) and his subsequent promise not to let that situation happen again.

Another tidbit where Grimm has “found its way” is Juliette’s sudden involvement. Or, rather, Nick’s manner of gently bringing her into the fold. It’s a methodology he’s using to ease her into the fact of his heritage and how it plays over the course of the investigations he’s been involved with thus far. It just had to happen. And she’s not only taken the bait so to speak, she’s run with it. Her calm demeanor in dealing with homeless Hanson and, especially, Gracie (Hansel and Gretel) sets her up to enter the world of the family Grimm. Nick’s walking a fine line, however. You’ll remember Aunt Marie told him in no uncertain words to get rid of Juliette for her own safety. Those Grimm … stubborn to the last. They wouldn’t be who they are if they weren’t bucking the system or going off and doing things better left undone.

Still, Nick’s yin and yang are constantly fighting one another. One moment he’s being an ass by destroying the Fuchsbau shopkeeper’s supply of human medicinals (rightly so) and later he makes a valiant attempt to save a Geier from falling to her death in a fire pit. It’s just never going to be easy being a Grimm, is it?

And then, we have one more set up … that little gift and phone greeting Renard got from the Hasslich. More portent to wet our whistles for down the line. I’ll say this: From the packaging that severed ear came in, those good ‘ole boy Reapers have got the flare for presenting things just right. Dapper!

(And that last line the Reaper spoke “I speak for the ‘ferraht'” … ??? I don’t remember anything being said about who or what this “ferraht” is or are. *hhmmmmmmmmmm*)


“Anybody believe in vampires?” — Wu

“Testicles have a viagra-like effect on certain species …” — Monroe to Nick


Photo Credit: NBC

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5 Responses to “Grimm – Anbody got a hankerin’ for body parts?”

February 4, 2012 at 3:33 PM

I feel fine about Nick gradually telling Juliette everything then letting her decide for herself whether or not to stay in his world. I didn’t care for Marie’s advice to break up with her and leave her in ignorance. The way things are going, Juliette could easily get killed and eaten just walking around Portland.

I didn’t think Nick was being an ass at all in the shop, but remarkably restrained and fair. He didn’t tell the owner to leave town or burn down his shop, but let him continue with any legitimate business he might have had. If it were somehow possible for the police to legally search his shop, or for the story to leak to the local news, the Fuchsbau would either have ended up in prison with his suppliers, or beaten/burned out by the local angry mob.

Nick trying to save the ringleader doctor from the fire pit wasn’t a surprise either. The baby Grimm still thinks like a cop, not a Slayer/Hunter, and tries to arrest Wesen instead of killing them when he can.

Officially really liked Renard for the first time this week, whatever his hidden agenda. He obviously doesn’t like scavengers operating in his territory and dealt with them firmly and lethally.

February 4, 2012 at 10:25 PM

I really liked this episode, loved the whole Monroe-Nick exchange…”what’s my favorite color???” made me laugh out loud.
What’s been bugging me all day is that I have seen that same storyline – supernatural creatures on some other tv show but can’t place it. As soon as I saw the clinic I knew it was the Dr. at the clinic. Hmmm..was it on The Closer?
The scene in the beginning though of the dead body coming down the river and the crow was sitting on him pecking at him really grossed me out.
I always thought that Juliette would turn out to be a bad person but I guess he would have seen her true self by now.
The preview for next week was creeping me out, I’m afraid of spiders!

February 5, 2012 at 11:24 PM

I’m pretty sure it was the Buffy episode where the blood donors are selected at the clinic.

February 6, 2012 at 12:04 PM

I shouldn’t admit this on this site, where there are sooo many Buffy fans, but I never watched that show. I really have no idea why the show got by me cause I love that stuff!!

February 8, 2012 at 11:25 PM

You mean the Buffy “Anne” episode, where the homeless were taken as slave labor for a hell dimension?

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