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Supernatural – Is Bobby’s ghost helping the boys?

Is it really ghost Bobby drinking the Winchesters' beers and pulling out old research to help them along, or are we dealing with something else? Come on, we all know it's Bobby, right?

- Season 7, Episode 13 - "The Slice Girls"

“You do that, I’ll go undercover, go mingle amongst the locals, and see what kind of clues will bubble to the surface.” – Dean
“You’re going to a bar.” – Sam
“Wow. If you want to oversimplify it.” – Dean

Brett asks, and he receives — the end of the Amybacle has arrived! One of the things that bugged Brett and I the most about Supernatural‘s season seven was how the whole Dean killing Amy thing was handled. I’m not sure about Brett, but this resolution really worked for me. Dean was right to kill Amy, and Sam did know this. His reaction was ridiculous, but clearly the lesson was learned: Emma needed to be killed as well, and Sam didn’t hesitate. Sam was right this time — Dean’s head just isn’t in it, like Bobby said. But let’s be fair — Emma was Dean’s daughter, and that’s why the boys have each other. Sam had Dean’s back and needed to.

I was hoping that Dean would have taken a little more inspiration from Eliot Ness and would have maybe been a little more grateful for his life this episode. But he was still drinking, still brooding, still screwing up. The heart-to-heart the boys had at the end, when Sam begged Dean not to get killed … not sure how I felt about that. Dean’s flippant, “I’ll do what I can,” was not a glimmer into a cheerier Dean to come. He really doesn’t seem to care if he lives or dies, and that’s not good in his line of work.

I’ve got to address ghost Bobby … we all saw him drink Dean’s beer a few episodes ago, and now he’s giving the boys research help from beyond. It helps to know he’s not totally gone, but there was an interesting reveal tonight. If Bobby was cremated, how can he be a ghost? That’s how the boys have historically gotten rid of ghosts — to burn their bones. Is there more to this haunting? Is the flask somehow haunted? I hope it turns out to be both clever and relevant to the ongoing storyline. Don’t disappoint us, writers!

This and that:

  • Um, yuck. I noticed that Supernatural seemed to get gorier a couple of seasons back (remember the woodshop … or should I say woodchop …); tonight was needlessly gooey.
  • Brett wasn’t kidding about the guest casting this season; I loved seeing Jenna (Sarah Canning) from The Vampire Diaries again, and the mayor (Harry Groener) from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
  • “Wherever did you get it?” – Professor, referring to the ancient Greek papyrus
    “Uh, er … a crazy, drunk, old genius.” – Sam, referring to Bobby
    “Yeah, they always have the good stuff.” – Professor
  • “You’re just as screwed up as I am … you’re just … bigger.” – Dean
    “What?!” – Sam
    “I don’t know … ” – Dean
  • I always get a little excited — OK, a lot excited — when I hear AC/DC in relation to Supernatural. Is this yet another way that the Powers That Be are bringing us back to the old days?
  • Can someone please explain to me why Supernatural, a show that undeniably stars two of the hottest guys on television, has been unable to produce a hot love scene in seven seasons worth of tries? It boggles the mind. …
  • Am I the only one who had to re-watch the scene where Dean is trying to figure out if it was scientifically possible for him to have impregnated Lydia? Jensen Ackles is hilarious, and he did this scene wordlessly. His expressions were priceless!

Photo Credit: Jack Rowand/The CW

4 Responses to “Supernatural – Is Bobby’s ghost helping the boys?”

February 4, 2012 at 11:49 PM

I have to say while the love scene could have used some improvement, shirtless Jensen Ackles with that sexy tattoo on his chest sure made me wish I was Jenna! I will take any love scene I can get on this show, since there are so few of them!!! Now, if you’ll excuse me I have to go re-watch & drool/dream.

February 7, 2012 at 2:10 PM

As far as I know, a ghost has never come back from the grave after having their bones burned.
I would think, considering that they got rid of Crowley…..
Just remembered…Crowley fake went away when they had the wrong bones a while ago, and then went away when Cas did burn his bones, but now he is back again. Don’t recall him saying that anyone brought him back.
Going with this, it seems that burning the bones only places the soul back where it belongs, allowing it to return, if possible, at some later time.
That being said, I would not think they would do this. It’s too easy of a thing to do.
It could be Cas or Rufus, but I’m going with someone else’s ghost.

February 12, 2012 at 4:29 PM

i believe there have been a few instances on the show where the corpse had been burned but the ghost was still hanging around cause it was tied to something that was important to them. so maybe bobby is just super attached to his old flask

February 13, 2012 at 10:31 PM

There are a few reasons why Bobby could still be among them and have been cremated. Number one being the flask is a part of Bobby and therefore if they destroy it, Bobby could move on or number two, Bobby has unfinished business. Bobby was told by the reaper in 7×10 that the boys could be okay without him but knowing Bobby who was a father figure to those boys, he probably disagreed.

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