CliqueClack TV

The best post about television commercials ever

Hey ... CBS: Don't tell me you're going to give me something if it's not what you're going to give me.

“The Best Post About Television Commercials Ever”

Pretty bold statement, isn’t it? How is it I have the gall to make such a proclamation?

< rant > The way I figure it: If CBS can do it, why can’t I?

Because that’s exactly what CBS did last evening with Super Bowl’s Greatest Commercials.

You see … it wasn’t about Super Bowl’s greatest commercials. It focused on what the creators touted as commercials with the greatest, most recognizable brands. And that’s where I call bullshit.

Don’t get me wrong: I don’t doubt the brands showcased —, Victoria’s Secret, Budweiser,, Coke, Doritos, E*Trade, FedEx, Pepsi and Pepsi — aren’t worthy of vying for the title of ‘greatest’ or ‘most recognizable brand’ in the mad, mad, mad world of television advertising. I’m just tweaked about CBS’ title for the show: Super Bowl’s Greatest Commercials. (Yes … I get my buttons pushed when the wool is pulled over my eyes in this manner. I like to call a spade a spade.) Even if you offered what you thought were the best Super Bowl commercials I would have been all right with that because that would have been your opinion. But don’t proffer something I might be interested about that’s in obvious and clear violation of its title. Just don’t. < /rant >

The only saving grace that came out of all the hubbub shown on the program, irked as I was about it? The fact the E*Trade monkey spot came out on top. Because it has monkeys in it.

And everyone knows how much I like the monkey business.

So … maybe I wasn’t lying to you after all: Maybe this really is the best post about television commercials ever.

Note: Friday’s usual CommercialClack will appear Monday instead and focus on the Super Bowl ads from Sunday’s big game. Please accept our apologies for any interruptions in the normality of your busy schedules and any consequences as a result.

Photo Credit: E*Trade

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3 Responses to “The best post about television commercials ever”

February 2, 2012 at 2:09 PM

I’m sorry Michael, but I don’t remember any Vicroria’s Secret™ Superbowl ads with monkeys in them, flying or otherwise. :-)

But that was a pretty darned good ad, you betcha!

February 2, 2012 at 4:19 PM


I love your writing style Michael….your stories almost ALWAYS leave me laughing or at the very least smiling :)

February 2, 2012 at 9:11 PM

Don’t tell me something on television was not what it was advertised to be! I’m shocked!

Next thing you know, someone is going to claim the world isn’t really flat!

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