CliqueClack TV

The Walking Dead – When should Shane die?

The time table on Shane's demise may have been advanced in the grand scheme of things. But ... how does he go? Who, if anyone, "offs" him?

Well … here’s a nice little tidbit from the rumor mill: Shane (Jon Bernthal) might be walking as one of the dead sooner rather than later.

Readers of the comic have known Shane meets his demise (and more) all along. (I think that’s enough of a “spoiler” … don’t you?) But the rumors continue to spin round and round on if he goes and when he goes and how he goes on the show, however. (Oh, let’s face it: He’s going. Okay?)

But now it looks like the time table may be moved up with a new series pilot starring Bernthal in the works, TNT’s L.A. Noir.

Personally, I don’t believe Shane’s death will go down on The Walking Dead quite like it does in the comic. The Powers That Be are sure to mix it up, add interesting elements and more. But with things plugging along the way they are on the show (and now with this new bit of news concerning Bernthal) the clock may be winding down on Shane more quickly than anyone could have imagined.

Should Shane’s demise come sooner rather than later? And if so, who — if anyone — kills him? Because with all the douchebaggery he’s committed (yeah, yeah … he’s been a stand-up guy too, I know) you just know one of the group is going to do him in.

Here’s a thought: Wouldn’t you like to see Lori take care of him? Personally, I would. That most certainly would amp up the drama I believe is so key to the series. And it would really mix things up given their “history” …


Photo Credit: AMC

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29 Responses to “The Walking Dead – When should Shane die?”

January 23, 2012 at 2:52 PM

Yeah, there is poetic justice for Lori to do it (Rick is way too obvious), but I think it would be ironic for Carl to take him out since Shane has been the one to teach him how to handle a gun.

February 3, 2012 at 9:10 PM

Well it would be cool for Lori to do it but i have seen a trailer it looks like walkers would do it

February 10, 2012 at 8:48 PM

Why would it be cool to see Lori kill the man who saved her and her son over and over including her husband by closing the door and putting that heavy bed in front of it, and drawing the walkers attention away from him And that door??????? Without Shane they are all dead MANY TIMES!!!!!!! ME

January 23, 2012 at 4:18 PM

Andrea doing the deed has better symmetry. :P

January 23, 2012 at 4:23 PM

I would like to see it follow the book. (And I think it will)

January 23, 2012 at 8:52 PM

Graphic novel, puh-leeeeeze! Comics are a strip in the newspaper.

January 24, 2012 at 6:28 PM

Considering that The Walking Dead is a monthly comic, published by Image Comics, that received the Eisner Award at Comic Con, I think it’s ok to refer to it as a comic. :D

January 30, 2012 at 4:13 PM

Carl should shoot him and Dale would do the finishing touches :)

February 10, 2012 at 6:05 PM

Shane is the reason slutty Lori is even alive as well as Carl!!! Rick has his family back only because of Shane risking his own life to save there’s 3 times already!!!! First at the very start, second at the camp attack, and 3rd doing what had to be done with Otis. Otis would have gotten himself, Shane and Carl killed with his slow speed!!!! Remember Otis shot Carl, and as USUAL Shane saved his life while Rick fell apart!!!! Shane, Glenn and Daryle are the true hero’s of this show!!!!!! I hope they drop the comic and let the true hero LIVE!!!!!!!!!! ME

February 10, 2012 at 6:52 PM

Why all this hate on Shane simply because he fell inlove in a world of craziness and death???? Love makes people do CRAZY things, add zombies trying to eat you on every corner and trying to eat the girl you love and the boy you love like a son. Then add your best friend you truly love coming back from the dead to take back the girl you fell inlove with!!! Shane stepped aside and has been rejected by the woman he loves after SHE CAME AFTER HIM the second Rick was gone. When she was on the ground with Shane she was happy and smileing!!!!! It was Shane not Lori who hesitated and felt bad after seeing her wedding ring around her kneck!!! SHE REMOVED THE RING, NOT SHANE BUT “LORI “!!!!!!!! He saved her life and her son, OVER AND OVER again!!!! Without Shane Rick has NO FAMILY!!!!!!! Without Shane taking the time to CLOSE THE DOOR AT THE HOSPITAL AND SHOVING THAT HEAVY BED against the door and drawing off those walkers, THERE WOULD BE NO RICK either!!! If they follow the comic and let Carl kill Shane, then let Lori SPIT ON SHANES GRAVE, then I say, Lori and Carl DESERVE TO BE EATEN ALIVE, AND I hope Shane takes the first bite!!!!! Lori should be ASHAMED to think anything bad about Shane as many times that he put his life on the line to save her and Rick and Carl!!!!!!! Shane,Glenn, and Daryle are the true hero’s of walking dead!!!!!! Yea the black dude in the beginning took Rick in after his son nearly killed him with a baseball bat, and has been a hero ever since!!!! What did he do so great to be a hero??? He even threatened Rick with a knife basicly for no real reason, YET HE IS A BIG HERO, AND SHANE IS TREATED LIKE A ZERO, after truly saving them all more than once!!!!!! Morgan the great hero, Shane the big Zero!!!!!! SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE!!!!!!! Just my opinio. PLEASE LET SHANE LIVE. ME

February 21, 2012 at 11:17 AM

you have to realize that in the comic, otis was not a fat turd and all the craziness with the bullet and having to give blood transfusions was not there. there was no going to the school to get medical equipment. otis was skinny idiot not a fat EMT. shane should die carl has to do it because in the comic it helps him turn into the person he is. that is the difference in people who read the comic and watch the show, as opposed to people who just watch the show with disregard for the comic. the comic is way better.

February 21, 2012 at 11:26 AM

. . . . .


Remember: This is a review of the television series, not the comic series.

While the comics are referenced, it’s about what appears on the screen that’s mainly being discussed.

Carl doesn’t have to do it. Exercising that kind of logic dictates Darryl shouldn’t be in the show at all … and where would the show be without Darryl … ???

March 8, 2012 at 6:59 PM

Yes, but if Shane truly loved Lori, he wouldn’t have _ucked Andrea in the car!!!!

February 29, 2012 at 12:25 PM

Season 2 episode 11 is the episode that Dale dies, he comes upon a dead cow and is attacked by the walker Carl comes across in the swamps, his gut was ripped open before killing the walker and Daryl finds him and says “Sorry Brother” before shooting him in the head.

Season 2 episode 12 will be the episode Shane dies. He is killed by Rick after Shane lures him into the forest. When Shane comes up to Rick, he tells him that his family won’t miss him after awhile and points his gun at him, before Shane can shoot him, Rick pulls his knife and stabs Shane in the chest, killing him. Shane then returns later as a walker and killed again by Carl.

Season 2 episode 13 is the first episode Michonne will appear in saving Andrea, Carol is in the woods running away from walkers but is saved by Daryl on his Harley and the farm becomes overun by a large group of walkers and prompting everyone to leave the farm for good.

March 1, 2012 at 10:56 PM

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Based on the spoiler put out by none other than AMC today, Shane doesn’t die as you’ve claimed.

Now … about those other “spoilers” …

March 5, 2012 at 1:05 PM

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Having seen Sunday’s “Judge, Jury, Executioner” I would respectfully request you not post spoilers so that others may enjoy viewing the show and reading the posts without foreknowledge of what will be happening.

We do not like to censor comments on CliqueClack, but ask that you are mindful of those who want to read without being surprised.

March 11, 2012 at 2:47 PM

BLUR: where are you finding your info? just curious. i have been trying to find some spoilers for episodes coming up and all i can find is sneek peeks or trailers for like 3min. i love the walking dead. awesome show. you were right on for season2 episode11, that is exactly what happend. tonight is season 2 ep 12 and i am very anxious to see what happens. so anyway if you do not mind, will you fill me in in where you are getting your awesome spoilers :) thanks-lala

March 11, 2012 at 2:49 PM

Blur where are you finding your spoilers? thats awesome. you was right on for ep 11.

March 5, 2012 at 1:00 PM

Hopefully, someone is still reading this… Don’t kill Shane. He is a driving force in the show and deserves better than coming back as a zombie and getting killed by carl (Carl sucks btw. he just got Dale killed and will probably ending up providing Randall with a gun since he dropped Darly’s in the woods). I may stop watching if Shane is killed.

Also, the show doesn’t have to follow the comic book. We’ve all read books and then watched movies and said ‘the book was better.’ IT ALWAYS IS! We need to just enjoy things as two separate media / pieces of art and enjoy them for what they are. Just because Shane died in the comic doesn’t mean he has to die in the show. Rick, Lori, Carl, etc owe Shane their lives. and honestly, lori has treated him cruelly since Rick’s return.

The show just lost dale. let’s hope it doesn’t lose shane too…but according to all the spoilers, it’s not looking good :(

March 11, 2012 at 2:51 PM

blur, where do you find your spoilers?

March 11, 2012 at 2:53 PM

you were right on for season 2 ep 11. awesome! i have tried to find spoilers and all i can find is 2min sneak peaks :(

March 11, 2012 at 3:09 PM

wow i did not realize i posted sooo many diff times! sorry peps! everytime i would hit “submit” it would say i couldnt post. so i kept re trying. sorry guys!

March 12, 2012 at 2:01 AM

Sorry for the spoilers Michael, I wont add any other spoilers. And lala, For episode 11, AMC’s website accidentally uploaded the full episode several days before it aired on TV, some people were able to watch it before it got pulled down. As for the other spoilers, someone that worked in the UK for the FX channel (The channel The Walking Dead airs on) was leaking all the info of the second half of season 2 starting with “Nebraska”. As to where I get info, someone who claims to work for the production team for The Walking Dead ( It could be the same person leaking info ) has started a website, It’s sort of like a fansite for the TV and comic series fans. you can see it at

March 12, 2012 at 1:08 PM

BLUR: thanks! im checking out that website now. i was amazed at how right on you were… thanks again

March 12, 2012 at 1:09 PM

BLUR: another thing….. who is michonne?

March 12, 2012 at 4:19 PM

Michonne is a character in the comics, she’s pretty badass. she wields a katana and has walkers as pets. She’s sort of like Daryl in a way, a tough take no crap from anyone type of attitude.

March 12, 2012 at 4:27 PM

Let me know your forum name on the site, we can talk freely about the show on there.

March 19, 2012 at 1:21 AM

Shane was the most interesting character on The Walking Dead and was wondering why he was killed? And how did he turn into a zombie when he was never bit?

March 19, 2012 at 1:37 AM

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Watch the season finale that aired this evening for that answer to that.

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