CliqueClack TV

American Idol, third time this week

3 'Idols' in the course of 5 days? I'm exhausted. But at least San Diego wasn't the snoozefest Pittsburgh was.

- Season 11, Episode 3 - "Auditions #3 - San Diego"

Cripes, cripes and cripes! Another episode of American Idol already! Is it a case of (pre-recorded) video killing the radio … erm … reality star … ?!?

No … just a little Fox capitalization on an already good thing. (Which, by the by, would have been that much better had the Ravens and Niners been on the other side of the losing column. *sigh*)

“America’s most elite team of judges” (per my little buddy Ryan Seacrest) invade America’s Finest City San Diego with all its planes and boats and trains. And … it was a rather fun episode in a goofy sort of way.

So, question: Have you noticed Idol has backed off on all the dumbass monkey business stories and dippy groantastic auditions of shame? There’s been a real effort to curb the abuse. And it’s paid off so far, giving us a little bit tighter show and less needed “bathroom / “Squirrel!” / Cheeze Doodle” breaks. This is a good thing.

But let’s not get too comfortable quite yet — we still have a nice chunk of cities to venture to before we can call it a day and head to the sunny southern California hills of Hollywood.

I think I can make it … how ’bout you?


  • Look … I don’t appreciate Michael Bublé’s “Feeling Good” in the least. He makes me cringe. Just like Whitney Houston’s adaptation of Dolly Parton’s “I Will Always Love You” makes others cringe. It’s a nails-to-chalkboard fresh hell every time someone decides to take a turn at it. I haven’t heard a good “Feeling Good” yet from anyone … not even from Bublé. (It just might be because it’s one of those songs that will never translate well, no matter what you do to it.) So, please … stop showcasing that song, people. For me. Please. With sugar on top. Seriously. I’m not kidding. Please.
  • Jayrah Gibson? With his little bit of beat boxing and likeable nature? I’ve been seeing a lot of his kind this season and — while the enthusiasm is refreshing and appears upbeat right now — I can’t help but think this guy is another one who will get swallowed up when it comes down to crunch time in a few weeks.
  • Per Steven, Kyle Crews is the “best male voice we’ve heard yet.” While this could very well be true, I didn’t hear enough to determine the range he has. We’ll see soon enough.
  • Ali Shields and her monkey business? Total courtesy win. (As I believe was Jane Carrey. After all, Randy did cut off Jim Carrey’s daughter pretty quickly and skated her through chop-chop.)
  • And that leaves us with Jason “Wolf” Hamlin and the “git-fiddle” his father crafted for him. You know how everyone has their favorites during the auditions? Hamlin is one of mine. He might surprise me and get through to Hollywood. But if he doesn’t, at least I had his charming enthusiasm to keep me company briefly:


“Did you know it was against the law to be that cute?” — Steven Tyler to contestant Jennifer Diley

“‘There was a fellow named Frick’ … you know where we’re goin’ with this one …” — Steven


Photo Credit: Fox

5 Responses to “American Idol, third time this week”

January 23, 2012 at 12:15 PM

. . . . .


Regarding my “He might surprise me and get through to Hollywood” statement above about Jason Hamlin:

I meant to say “He might surprise me and get through the Hollywood rounds.”

I blame the Mayans. Or Zooey Deschanel’s blue flats.

January 23, 2012 at 2:06 PM

I like self-correcting authors. Now I’m ready for someone to invent the self-correcting DVRs! Yes, I goofed and didn’t catch AI on my DVR due to the extended championship game. Anyone want to see that missed field goal one more time?

However, I’ve been surfing the web for some of the highlights and viewed the actual auditions of almost everyone you mentioned in your column. I’m not thrilled about TV on computer screen, so I’m not going for the entire episode. Don’t bother giving me a link. There was something kind of nice about more contestants and less Seacrust.

Somehow I knew Wolf would get your attention. Quirkiness is definitely one of those X factors another show keeps talking about. Don’t give notice at the golf course, Mr. Mechanic, but enjoy the sights in Hollywood.

I would love to see the “cheat sheets” the judges get to see on the contestants. I mean, really, Jennifer, are we supposed to believe you didn’t know Jim Carrey’s daughter was standing in front of you?

Kyle Crews is another one that must have looked really good on paper. If that is the best male voice, the sound system didn’t capture it. Not bad, no complaints, but I didn’t jump out of my seat when I heard him.

But I guess the best AI moment yesterday wasn’t from the contestants, and wasn’t part of the San Diego auditions. Kudos for Steven Tyler doing the national anthem before the New England game. It’s been done better; he’s done better performances; but live and in person in those weather conditions he gave an admirably respectful rendition with enough personal touches to make it his own. Well done.

January 23, 2012 at 7:41 PM

I’m with you on Wolf Michael. He really had my attention. I hope he makes it. It’s nice to see someone that’s not your stereotype pop singer.

January 25, 2012 at 1:41 PM

I get the “Please Die, Feelin’ Good” sentiment.

But the one song that really, really needs to die or be banished for all eternity is that GD “Hallelujah” song.

These are the lyrics:

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah (repeat ad nauseum).

Even the writer of the song said that it has been done to death and needs to die. That should be enough of a condemnation to ban it forever, shouldn’t it?

January 26, 2012 at 2:59 AM

Michael….I’m with you. “Wolf” is my favorite hands down! And don’t forget his quick wit and sparkling personality. No matter what…the guy is going places……..

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