CliqueClack TV

Survivor – More of the same

As we head into the home stretch, promised excitement never materializes, making viewers feel like Charlie Brown trying to kick that football.

- Season 23, Episode 13 - "Ticking Time Bomb"

"Survivor South Pacific" pulls the ball from under our feet again

I really thought I was going to have a lot to discuss after this week’s episode of Survivor. We were teased with a huge meltdown and a shift in tribal loyalty, courtesy of Brandon, but as has been the norm for the past few weeks … nothing major or surprising happened.

We did get probably THE most exciting Redemption Island duel yet as Cochran faced Ozzy and nearly won.  It really looked hopeless for Cochran as he fumbled with his grappling hook to snag the bags with the balls in them for the maze, especially as Ozzy had already started working the ball through the labyrinth. But through some miracle, Cochran not only caught up, but surpassed Ozzy has he fumbled a few times and had to start the maze over. Alas, [football snatch] Ozzy was the ultimate victor … barely (oh, how I wish Cochran had won and shaken things up) … and Cochran went to the jury.

This was the obligatory “family visit” episode as well, and Ozzy was given the task of choosing three Te Tuna — oh, who are we kidding — Upolu tribe members to get a stay with family on Redemption Island. Ozzy strategically chose Albert, Coach and Brandon, then Coach secretly made a final three deal with Ozzy, giving his word as a “Christian man” that he is being truthful.

Meanwhile, Brandon’s dad could see that his son was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, especially after he said that he was playing the game for Jesus (this show might as well be on TBN now), and didn’t care about the money, but dad made sure to mention to Coach that he was in charge of Brandon while on the island, and that he’d better guarantee him a spot in the final three (oh, those Hantz genes are powerful). Coach was having none of it, and this looked like the start of Brandon’s downfall. But, there was no crazy meltdown, so that football was snatched from us again.

Poor Edna had to pull out all the stops to save herself after Brandon made it abundantly clear that she was the next to go. She tried talking to Coach and the rest of the tribe, she got in a bus and drove it right over Brandon and back again, she made compelling arguments to get rid of him, he blatantly (and proudly) tried to explain his strategy in the immunity challenge of boxing “a certain person” in, Edna pulled out the “our tribe is about honor and integrity” card implying that Brandon had none of those things, she asked Coach to use the idol on her (he refused, saying the tribe would no longer trust him and he’d be voted out), she played all of her “this is how Brandon has been mean to me” cards at Tribal (which Brandon denied until Jeff called him out on his first lie at the first Tribal), and the remaining Upolu realized that in the end [football snatch], Edna was the one to go because no one wanted to send Brandon to Redemption for a chance to get back in the game. But could Edna actually win the next duel? If you believe the preview, she just may. And Albert might have an epic meltdown.  Or, more likely, we’ll have yet another football snatched from under our feet on what has devolved into a pretty unexciting season. At this point, I’m wishing for Ozzy to return and stir things up … and I can’t stand Ozzy! My Final Three prediction: Coach, Ozzy and Brandon. Yours?

Photo Credit: United Feature Syndicate

4 Responses to “Survivor – More of the same”

December 8, 2011 at 9:24 AM

I would be very upset if Ozzy goes home next week. He is such a good competitor and this is his 3rd time there – I really would like for him to win the $1,000,000.00 and Coach to end up as a runner-up. Even if you don’t like Ozzy or Coach, do you really like any of the idiots that are still playing?

December 8, 2011 at 11:44 AM

Out of everyone left, I would prefer to see Albert in the final three over Brandon, even with the whole “Prince Albert” episode, which I believe was more editorial than actual. Coach and Ozzy in the final three are fine. I don’t know how many votes Ozzy would get, except from those on his former tribe, because while he’s had to play in the duels, he hasn’t had to actually play the game. If you base the win on number of challenges won, then he’s got it hands down. But you have to look at who also played strategically and socially, and Coach has certainly played the same game Boston Rob did. But, the fact that no one on Upolu has ever considered blindsiding Coach just goes to show that (a)he should win because (b)they are a bunch of dolts.

December 8, 2011 at 2:12 PM

It’s been straightforward and uninteresting ever since Cochran’s big (stupid) move. The good news is that there’s a little bit of uncertainty moving forward. Except for the fact that Coach will win. It seems like his entire tribe was ready to cut him the check by the fourth episode. At least the alliance of 5 finally has to cannibalize next week.

December 11, 2011 at 5:24 AM

The only way this season could redeem itself even a little bit is by showing us how genious Coach really was and have him win or for his allies to grow a spine, vote him out, and weirdo Brendan (or is it Brenndon? Brandan? Brändohn?) to win the whole thing.

Because the only way I could like this season is for Brehndon to win it the honest way while Russell will never ever win the show the idol-finding-asinine-villian way. That would be fun. Jesus loving inner demons whiny weeping Brandonn winning would be such a large thorn in Russell’s side that he most certainly would want to come back. Again. And it would be awesome like it was every single time :-)

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