CliqueClack TV

Pan Am – Dean takes a roll in the hay

'Pan Am' starts its initial descent into the end of this season, with only three (or four, if you believe we'll ever see 'Romance Languages') left after this episode.

- Season 1, Episode 9 - "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang"

Before I get into “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang,” let me catch you up on the “It’s cancelled/No it’s not!” fun that Pan Am experienced this week. On Tuesday, Karine Vanasse (who plays Colette) tweeted, “Well, we received THE call, #PanAm is only coming back for one more episode after Christmas. But up to the end, we’ll give it our all!” Many thought that this means the show is cancelled. Obviously, from an official point of view, that is not the case, as ABC’s PR folks so quickly jumped on Twitter to correct. ABC is correct — there are still five more episodes (including this week’s) to air. Hopefully this means that “Romance Languages” might eventually see the light of day (though I’m much more interested in why it was pulled than actually seeing the episode). And also technically, there is still hope for a second season of Pan Am. But the cast and crew will only be filming one more episode after Christmas — which is exactly what Vanasse said — which should give you the warm and fuzzies if you’re hoping for a second season.

“Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” was all about setting up the storylines to what is now going to be the end of the season. My favorite is the continued development of the relationship between Dean and Colette. There’s something about the two of them that just makes sense to me. I suspect though, it has much more to do with she than he. Vanasse has a quality very similar to Covert Affairs Piper Perabo. I think both of them have so much natural chemistry that they make a relationship with a brick wall believable. Vanasse is proving that here, almost exactly, as I continue to be disappointed in Mike Vogel’s performance of Dean. Considering where the previews seem to be indicating that this story is going, I’m really looking forward to seeing how Colette will navigate the obstacles ahead. If it isn’t clear that Vanasse has been the breakout star of Pan Am, hopefully she’ll get more of a chance to convince you when the show comes back for its non-cancelled 2012 run of episodes.

Another relationship I am a big fan of is that between Ted and Laura. Just as she realizes that he might be even more than a decent guy, in walks Amanda Mason. I’m not as familiar with Ashley Greene as some of you Twlight fans might be, but I think she’ll eventually bore Ted, who will want that intelligent, kind-hearted, funny person that he told Captain Douchebag about. Will that happen before the season runs out? I’m not so sure.

Maggie likes getting herself in trouble, doesn’t she? I’m not sure how she could have thought sneaking her friend on the flight was going to end any differently than it did. Sure, she couldn’t have seen that a dreamy, fascist Congressman would be on board, but you can’t trust anyone that thinks getting arrested is a fun thing to do on a Thursday night. Where this relationship with Congressman Bathroom-On-Fire is going remains to be seen, but I suspect it will be more “Maggie is smart and needs to show it more.” That Christina Ricci wasn’t given better stories is one of the greatest disappointments in Pan Am.


Photo Credit: ABC/Patrick Harbron

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4 Responses to “Pan Am – Dean takes a roll in the hay”

December 5, 2011 at 8:05 AM

I agree, Maggie seems to not have many story-lines. I totally hope that it continues and runs for a long time. although, i would like to see some adventurous adventures within the show.

December 5, 2011 at 8:43 AM

Loved the episode & the cliff-hanger ! It’s nice to see them back. –Cindy

December 6, 2011 at 10:39 AM

this show is getting better. It just needs some more time to develop the characters! hopefully abc figures this out and continues with the show! can’t wait till the next episode!

December 6, 2011 at 10:46 AM

The better hope, actually, is more people figuring out that this is a pretty good show. ABC has always been behind this show, but the viewers have not.

The premiere had a 3.1 rating w/ 11.06m viewers. This episode had a 1.6 rating w/ 4.673. That marks a 49% difference in rating and 58% dip in viewership.

If the people who DO watch the show don’t stick around, why would ABC be inclined to give it a chance?

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