CliqueClack TV

Survivor – It’s time for a big move … anyone?

We're at a point in the game where a big move could be the difference between winning and losing, but is anyone willing to actually do anything?!?

- Season 23, Episode 10 - "Running the Show"

A twist at Tribal Council

Argh! I get so frustrated with the people playing Survivor at this point in the game. Tonight should have been a night of big moves and all we ended up with was a replay of last season. They just might as well hand Coach the check now and be done with it. Not that I don’t think Coach deserves it … after all, he is playing Boston Rob’s game perfectly, even going so far as to compare himself to a mob boss … but, come on people, you really think you’re going to win by taking him to the finals? What exactly has he contributed in challenges What does he do at camp besides manipulate and threaten everyone? Why is everyone so scared to vote him out at this point?

It was funny seeing Jim compare Coach to a cult leader, and then see Coach talking to his tribe members in a very cult leaderish way. It was a little scary, to be honest. Whitney just thinks the Upolu tribe is stupid for following him blindly. Meanwhile, Cochran is doing what he can to stay on Coach’s good side by joining him for morning yoga, but at least he got a little helpful information out of it — Coach is worried about Albert pulling a fast one, and about Brandon being Brandon (although we really haven’t seen much of Brandon lately, and the way he tattles on everyone to Coach, I don’t see that he has a thing to worry about as far as loyalty).

Well, if Coach continues his reign, I’m hoping Ozzy gets back into the game and makes it to the finals just to go up against him. I was really rooting for Keith to win the Redemption Island duel this week, but as fate would have it, he and Jim ended up being the first two jury members while Ozzy continues to gloat about his rejuvenation on Redemption Island.

Dawn and Whitney knew they were the next two on the chopping block, and trying to convince Cochran to work with them to make a big move seemed like a good plan. After all, everyone knows Cochran is the low man on the Upolu totem pole. And after Sophie won immunity — with the news that a twist was coming at Tribal — they went into overdrive to try to force Albert to look at the tribe, look at Coach and make that big move. Albert and Sophie seemed pretty eager to vote out Edna with Dawn, Whitney and Cochran, and that would certainly be a warning shot fired across Coach’s bow.

At Tribal, Jeff seemed to be pushing someone to make a big move because if they didn’t do it now, it would never happen especially with the twist hanging over their heads. But, the cowards disappointed me by sticking together and voting out Dawn (I actually hope she can take Ozzy out in the next duel). I don’t know why they even considered Edna, because she really is useless. She has no chance of winning an immunity, and no one would give her a vote if she made it to the finals. She is Coach’s lackey and nothing else. But even with the twist — another immunity challenge followed by a vote — the time for a big move was gone along with Dawn. After a series of survival questions, it came down to Sophie and Whitney on the last question and the winner was … Sophie, for the second time in a row. Bye bye Whitney.

Now, the tribe of loyalty is going to have to start cannibalizing their own while on Redemption, Ozzy will have to battle his last remaining Savaii tribe mates. If Ozzy can get back into the game, he’s going to have to win every immunity challenge or he’ll end up like Matt last season, getting voted out imediately after returning (a fate that will most likely befall whomever returns from Redemption Island). Like I said, just hand Coach the check now and get it over with.

“As painful for me as it is to admit, I am drinking the Coach Kool-Aid.” — Cochran on his own strategy to stay in the game

“She brings nothing to the table. This game’s not, like, out-organize, out-clean and out-, like, gather.” — Albert’s assessment of Edna’s worth

Photo Credit: CBS

7 Responses to “Survivor – It’s time for a big move … anyone?”

November 17, 2011 at 4:53 AM

I’m sorry but… *snort* *giggle*



Fun thing is I didn’t even expect that it came from him but in the end who was I kidding with not thinking it…

By the way I would’ve been out of the second immunity challenge right away. The problem with my thinking was that the water from food is not counted into that question. In your everyday life you can get by easily with just half a gallon of water and get the rest from fruits, vegetables, meat and even a lot of it from bread. That question was clearly geared towards the scnenario of not having any food at all and just preventing dying of dehydration.

November 17, 2011 at 12:01 PM

Oh, I had that in my notes to remind me and then I forgot to put it in my post. Really?!?! Brandon doesn’t know how to spell Dawn?!?!

And I got the water question right, but none of the others, although I went back and forth on the giant clam. I thought maybe it was a trick question.

November 27, 2011 at 8:03 PM

I saw the ad for the two Amazing Race episodes tonight and Tebow kneeling so naturally this made me remember Survivor and our favorite little fella.

Anyway, I think I understand why he wrote down “Don”.

My guess is that the vocabulary he aquired in his lifetime gave him a namespace that included “Don”, because he most likely met someone named “Don”. And most likely he knows what the name is for when the sun comes up in the morning.

I know. Sunrise, right?

Anyway, I think he knows what “dawn” means. And he knows that “Don” is a name.

That could be it. His first association was to use the one name that sounds the same. I know it’s pretty basic and it makes him look really… I mean REALLY dumb. If I were to give him the benefit of a doubt then maybe he thought that “Don” was short for “Donna” or whatever.

But I honestly think that the wiring in his brain is so basic that his neurons fired for “name” – “sounds like”.

I know it’s harsh and hard to understand when you vacabulary (*snicker* I had to look that one up in a dictionary from “Wortschatz” in German… oh the irony) is much smaller than that of other people who might have enjoyed a more thorough educational career in life.

I mean what would you bet that he didn’t finish Highschool or has a GED.

I’m really not trying to badmouth him this is merely a try to understand who we are dealing with and without more first hand knowledge it’s a guessing game.

And in the end isn’t that what Survivor is all about? :-)

November 17, 2011 at 9:18 AM

edna is useless! so is the rancher dude!

November 17, 2011 at 12:02 PM

Which is why you keep either of them in the game. They’ll never get a vote at finals.

November 17, 2011 at 11:52 AM

“It was funny seeing Jim compare Coach to a cult leader, and then see Coach talking to his tribe members in a very cult leaderish way. It was a little scary, to be honest. Whitney just thinks the Upolu tribe is stupid for following him blindly.”

Is this a backhanded reference to Charlie Manson?

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